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1UtbildningsvetenskapBengt Sandin2006ISBN-13:9789172037144
2Stödet till utbildningsvetenskaplig forskningSverige, Utredningen om utbildningsvetenskaplig forskning2005ISBN-13:9789138223390
3The Nurturing of New Educational ResearchersMaría de Ibarrola2014-07-11Five educational researchers, coming from a variety of highe...ISBN-13:9462096988
4Journal of Education1882MINN:31951000712621G
5A Companion to Research in Teacher EducationMichael A. Peters2017-05-31This state-of-the-art Companion assembles and assesses the e...ISBN-13:9811040753
6Utbildningsvetenskap för grundskolans tidiga årSven Persson2011ISBN-13:9789127130050
7Teaching and Learning Perspectives on Doctoral Programs in E...Taylor, P. Mark2020-01-03Doctoral programs are an important feature of academia. They...ISBN-13:1799826589
8Office HoursCary Nelson2005-07-08In a series of stinging analyses, this book examines the cur...ISBN-13:1135874034
9The Journal of EducationThomas Williams Bicknell1895SRLF:C0000098780
10UtbildningsvetenskapBerit Askling2006ISBN-13:9789173070980
11Liminal Spaces and Call for Praxis(ing)Miryam Espinosa-Dulanto2013-10-01Liminal Spaces and Call for Praxis(ing) follows the theme of...ISBN-13:1623964261
12Faculty Work in Schools of EducationWilliam G. Tierney2001-01-01A full-bodied, robust discussion of issues of concern to fac...ISBN-13:9780791448168
13Empirical Methods for Evaluating Educational InterventionsGary D. Phye2005-04-22New US government requirements state that federally funded g...ISBN-13:0080455239
14Ed.D. Programs as Incubators for Social Justice LeadershipAntonio L. Ellis2016-02-10This book shares the thoughts of mostly North American schol...ISBN-13:9463003967
15Research Review for School LeadersWilliam G. Wraga2012-08-06The Research Review for School Leaders, Volume III is specif...ISBN-13:1135660956
16The Handbook of Mathematics Teacher Education: Volume 42008-01-01The Handbook of Mathematics Teacher Education, the first of ...ISBN-13:9087905521
17Implementing the Framework for Teaching in Enhancing Profess...Charlotte Danielson2009With its clear definition of the elements of good teaching, ...ISBN-13:1416609199
18Design-Based Research in EducationZoi A. Philippakos2021-10-15Effective research in educational settings requires collabor...ISBN-13:1462547370
19The SAGE Handbook for Research in EducationClifton F. Conrad2006Research is increasingly becoming more influential in the fi...ISBN-13:9781412906401
20Becoming a Student of TeachingRobert V. Bullough2013-12-16This new edition of a very successful book offers an innovat...ISBN-13:1136696776
21New England Journal of EducationThomas Williams Bicknell1879CHI:12730293
22Handbook of Research in the Social Foundations of EducationSteven Tozer2011-07-05Parts one and two of this volume present the theoretical len...ISBN-13:1135283796
2321st Century Education: A Reference HandbookThomas L Good2008-10-0121st Century Education: A Reference Handbook offers 100 chap...ISBN-13:1452265992
24Educational ScienceChristoph WulfEducational science (one of the most developed disciplines i...ISBN-13:9783830962595
25SoTL in ActionNancy L. Chick2023-07-03What are the foundational moments of meaningful scholarship ...ISBN-13:1000979180
26Encyclopedia of Education: AACSB-CommerceJames W. Guthrie2003UOM:49015002937960
27The Graduate Study of EducationHarvard University. Committee on the Graduate Study of Education1965OSU:32435001946672
28Higher Education AdministrationScott Newman2015-01-01Few resources exist for individuals who wish to subscribe to...ISBN-13:162396850X
29Twelve Lectures on the History of PedagogyWilliam Nicholas Hailmann1874UCAL:$B305044
30Foundational Studies in Teacher EducationSteven Tozer1990The study of the psychological and cultural foundations of e...ISBN-13:9780807730591
31Graduate SchoolOhio State University. Graduate School1908UIUC:30112112242638
32Research Perspectives on the Graduate Preparation of Teacher...Anita Woolfolk1989UOM:39015014302296
33Self-Study of Language and Literacy Teacher Education Practi...Judy Sharkey2018-08-16Self-Study in Teacher Education Practices (S-STEP) contribut...ISBN-13:1787545377
34Managing to be DifferentRon Scapp2006First Published in 2006. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor &...ISBN-13:0415948622
35Schools of To-morrowJohn Dewey1915HARVARD:HC4NA1
36Cultivating KnowledgeScott Tunison2016-07-27Over the last decade or two, there has been increasing conse...ISBN-13:9463006036
37Perspectives on Graduate Programs in EducationRichard J. Clark1979UOM:39015012863695
38Encyclopedia of Educational ResearchHarold E. Mitzel1982UOM:39015021557957
39Teaching in School and CollegeWilliam Lyon Phelps1912HARVARD:32044028933893
40Foundations of EducationAllan C. Ornstein2013-01-01Highly respected for its substantive coverage and analysis o...ISBN-13:9781285064321

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