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1A Scrum BookJeff Sutherland2019-08-16Building a successful product usually involves teams of peop...ISBN-13:1680507567
2ScrumJeff Sutherland2014-09-30The revolutionary “Red Book” that helped a generation wo...ISBN-13:0385346468
3Scrum For DummiesMark C. Layton2018-04-16Use scrum in all aspects of life Scrum is an agile project m...ISBN-13:1119467691
4Essential ScrumKenneth S. Rubin2012This is a comprehensive guide to Scrum for all (team members...ISBN-13:0137043295
5Succeeding with AgileMike Cohn2009-10-20Proven, 100% Practical Guidance for Making Scrum and Agile W...ISBN-13:0321660560
6Agile Software Development with ScrumKen Schwaber2002Arguably the most important book about managing technology a...PSU:000050448142
7The Professional Scrum Master GuideFred Heath2021-07-16Go from absolute beginner to passing your exam the first tim...ISBN-13:1800200498
8Zombie Scrum Survival GuideJohannes Schartau2020-11-13Escape “Zombie Scrum” and Get Real Value from Agile! “...ISBN-13:0136523374
9The Professional Scrum TeamPeter Götz2020-11-18The Practical Guide to Optimizing Product Value through Bett...ISBN-13:0134862147
10Large-Scale ScrumCraig Larman2016-09-30The Go-To Resource for Large-Scale Organizations to Be Agile...ISBN-13:0133813118
11Agile Project Management with ScrumKen Schwaber2004-02-11The rules and practices for Scrum—a simple process for man...ISBN-13:0735637903
12The Scrum CultureDominik Maximini2018-03-22This book is a guide for managers, Scrum Masters and agile c...ISBN-13:3319738429
13Software in 30 DaysKen Schwaber2012-05-01A radical approach to getting IT projects done faster and ch...ISBN-13:1118206665
14Fixing Your ScrumRyan Ripley2020-01-07A Scrum Master's work is never done. The Development team ne...ISBN-13:1680507451
15Mastering Professional ScrumStephanie Ockerman2019-09-11“Our job as Scrum professionals is to continually improve ...ISBN-13:0134841700
16ScrumJeff Sutherland2014-09-30The revolutionary “Red Book” that helped a generation wo...ISBN-13:038534645X
18The Art of ScrumDave McKenna2016-11-02Learn the nuts and bolts of scrum—its framework, roles, te...ISBN-13:1484222776
19Agile ScrumScott Graffius2016-04-05EXPANDED AND UPDATED Deliver Products in Short Cycles with R...ISBN-13:9781533370242
20An Introduction to ScrumTed Owens2014-04-09"An Introduction to Scrum" gives the reader the opportunity ...ISBN-13:1632878917
21The Scrum Field GuideMitch Lacey2012Thousands of IT professionals are being asked to make Scrum ...ISBN-13:0321554159
22Scrum - A Pocket GuideGunther Verheyen2013-10-01This pocket guide is the one book to read for everyone who w...ISBN-13:9087537948
23Scrum Project ManagementKim H. Pries2010-08-17Originally created for agile software development, scrum pro...ISBN-13:1439825173
24Scrum Mastery + Agile LeadershipJeff Cohn2019-05-31Do you want to manage projects more effectively? Do you want...ISBN-13:9781071067352
25Facilitating Professional Scrum TeamsPatricia Kong2023-12-08Unlock the true power of collaboration within Scrum Teams an...ISBN-13:013819629X
26How to Kill the Scrum MonsterIlya Bibik2018-06-11Implement Scrum or improve how Scrum works in your team or o...ISBN-13:1484236912
27Scrum in easy stepsDavid Morris2017-04-11Scrum is the most widely used agile framework for developing...ISBN-13:1840787821
28The Nexus Framework for Scaling ScrumKurt Bittner2017-12-04Improve and Accelerate Software Delivery for Large, Distribu...ISBN-13:0134682718
29Scrum for TeamsDion Nicolaas2018-09-14Scrum is an agile framework for completing complex projects....ISBN-13:1948198444
30The Enterprise and ScrumKen Schwaber2007-06-13It’s time to extend the benefits of Scrum—greater agilit...ISBN-13:0735663572
31Agile Scrum Handbook – 3rd editionNader K. Rad2021-04-08This book is a simple guide for anyone who wants to learn ab...ISBN-13:9401807612
32Scrum – A Pocket Guide - 2nd editionGunther Verheyen2019-01-31This pocket guide to Scrum is the one book for everyone who ...ISBN-13:9401803773
33Sprint Your Way to ScrumBonsy Yelsangi2021-11-15Scrum is the most widely adopted Agile framework in the worl...ISBN-13:9780998985466
34Get Agile!Pieter Jongerius2013-03-26Scrum introduction, advanced skills and everyday handbook in...ISBN-13:9789063693022
35The Elements of ScrumChris Sims2011A practical field guide to the practice of scrum, an agile s...ISBN-13:9780982866917
36Scrum For DummiesMark C. Layton2022-10-14Learn how scrum can help in every part of your life Scrum—...ISBN-13:1119904676
37The Great ScrumMasterZuzana Sochova2016-12-28This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include an...ISBN-13:0134657659
38Scrum For DummiesMark C. Layton2015-04-20Practice an agile form of management to stop wasting time an...ISBN-13:111890575X
39Scrum MasteryGeoff Watts2013-05-30The basics of being a ScrumMaster are fairly straightforward...ISBN-13:9780957587403
40The Scrum FieldbookJ.J. Sutherland2019-10-01Based on years of work in the field with scores of companies...ISBN-13:0525573216
1Scrum for dummiesLayton, Mark[2018]Scrum for dummies
2Scrum [Elektronisk resurs]uuuu-uuuuScrum [Elektronisk resurs]
3Scrum. [Elektronisk resurs] : kurz & gutDräther, Rolf[2023]Scrum. [Elektronisk resurs] : kurz & gut
4Learning path. [Elektronisk resurs] : scrum practitioner2016Learning path. [Elektronisk resurs] : scrum practitioner
5Scrum : the art of doing twice the work in half the timeSutherland, Jeffrey Victor[2014]Scrum : the art of doing twice the work in half the time
6Scrum!Palmer, Tom, 1967-2011Scrum!
7Scrum : the art of doing twice the work in half the timeSutherland, Jeff2015Scrum : the art of doing twice the work in half the time
8Scrum project managementPries, Kim H., 1955-c2011Scrum project management
9Scrum and XP from the trenches : how we do ScrumKniberg, Henrikcop. 2015Scrum and XP from the trenches : how we do Scrum
10A Scrum book : the spirit of the gameSutherland, Jeff, 1941-2019A Scrum book : the spirit of the game
11Scrum Wars [Elektronisk resurs]Levine, Allan Gerald1993Scrum Wars [Elektronisk resurs]
12Scrum Fundamentals [Elektronisk resurs]uuuu-uuuuScrum Fundamentals [Elektronisk resurs]
13Scrum Book [Elektronisk resurs]James O. Coplien2019Scrum Book [Elektronisk resurs]
14Scrum-Training [Elektronisk resurs]uuuu-uuuuScrum-Training [Elektronisk resurs]
15Scrum-Training [Elektronisk resurs]Kai H. Simons2021Scrum-Training [Elektronisk resurs]
16Scrum for newbies : a smart guide complete of all the tips t...Wilson, GeremyArrayScrum for newbies : a smart guide complete of all the tips t...
17Facilitating professional scrum teams. [Elektronisk resurs] ...Kong, Patricia[2024]Facilitating professional scrum teams. [Elektronisk resurs] ...
18Essential Scrum : a practical guide to the most popular agil...Rubin, Kenneth S.c2013Essential Scrum : a practical guide to the most popular agil...
19Agile project management with Scrum [Elektronisk resurs]Schwaber, Ken2008Agile project management with Scrum [Elektronisk resurs]
20Fixing your scrum : practical solutions to common scrum prob...Ripley, RyanArrayFixing your scrum : practical solutions to common scrum prob...
21Scrum mastery : from good to great servant leadershipWatts, Geoff, 1979-June 2013Scrum mastery : from good to great servant leadership
22Scrum in action : Agile software project management and deve...Pham, AndrewArrayScrum in action : Agile software project management and deve...
23Essential Scrum [Elektronisk resurs] a practical guide to th...Rubin, Kenneth S.2012Essential Scrum [Elektronisk resurs] a practical guide to th...
24Agile Scrum Course: Scrum Fundamentals-Scrum Certification [...uuuu-uuuuAgile Scrum Course: Scrum Fundamentals-Scrum Certification [...
25Construction Scrum : How to Deliver Projects Easier, Better,...Engineer-Manriquez, FelipeConstruction Scrum : How to Deliver Projects Easier, Better,...
26Scrum project management [Elektronisk resurs]Pries, Kim H., 1955-c2011Scrum project management [Elektronisk resurs]
27Succeeding with agile : software development using ScrumCohn, Mike, 1962-cop. 2010Succeeding with agile : software development using Scrum
28Agile project management with ScrumSchwaber, Ken.cop. 2004Agile project management with Scrum
29Agile project management with Scrum [Elektronisk resurs]Schwaber, Kenc2004Agile project management with Scrum [Elektronisk resurs]
30Scrum and XP from the trenches : how we do ScrumKniberg, HenrikArrayScrum and XP from the trenches : how we do Scrum
31Certified Scrum master : secrets to acing the exam and succe...Manning, Steven2012Certified Scrum master : secrets to acing the exam and succe...
32Agile software development with scrumSchwaber, Ken.2002Agile software development with scrum
33Agile game development with ScrumKeith, Clinton.c2010Agile game development with Scrum
34Agile product management with Scrum : creating products that...Pichler, RomanArrayAgile product management with Scrum : creating products that...
35The Art of Scrum How Scrum Masters Bind Dev Teams and Unleas...McKenna, Dave.2016The Art of Scrum How Scrum Masters Bind Dev Teams and Unleas...
36Scrum and XP from the trenches : how we do ScrumKniberg, Henrikcop. 2007Scrum and XP from the trenches : how we do Scrum
37The Scrum Culture Introducing Agile Methods in Organizations...Maximini, Dominik.2018The Scrum Culture Introducing Agile Methods in Organizations...
38The Scrum Culture [Elektronisk resurs] Introducing Agile Met...Maximini, Dominik.2015The Scrum Culture [Elektronisk resurs] Introducing Agile Met...
39Scrum Product Owner [Elektronisk resurs]Tommy Normanuuuu-uuuuScrum Product Owner [Elektronisk resurs]
40Scrum Product Owner [Elektronisk resurs]uuuu-uuuuScrum Product Owner [Elektronisk resurs]
1Informal feedback rather than performance measurements : use...Lárusdóttir, Marta K. Cajander, Åsa Gulliksen, Jan Informal feedback rather than performance measurements : use...
2Using distributed Scrum for supporting online community : A ...Söderback, Jörgen Hrastinski, Stefan Öberg, Lena-Maria Using distributed Scrum for supporting online community : A ...
3Challenges from integrating usability activities in Scrum : ...Lárusdóttir, Marta Cajander, Åsa Erlingsdottir, Gudbjörg Lind, Thomas Challenges from integrating usability activities in Scrum : ...
4Is Scrum and XP suitable for CSE Development?Blom, MartinIs Scrum and XP suitable for CSE Development?
5Prototyping for Internet of Things with Web Technologies : A...Vogel, Bahtijar Peterson, Bo Emruli, Blerim Prototyping for Internet of Things with Web Technologies : A...
6The Influence of New Product Development on Scrum PracticesLane, Michael Fitzgerald, Brian Ågerfalk, Pär, 1971- The Influence of New Product Development on Scrum Practices
7Implementing Value Stream Mapping in a Scrum-based project :...Nasir, Nayla Minhas, Nasir Mehmood Implementing Value Stream Mapping in a Scrum-based project :...
8No silver brick : Opportunities and limitations of teaching ...Steghöfer, Jan-Philipp, 1983 Burden, Håkan Alahyari, Hiva, 1979 Haneberg, Dominik No silver brick : Opportunities and limitations of teaching ...
9The big picture of UX is missing in scrum projectsLárusdóttir, M. K. Cajander, Å. Gulliksen, Jan The big picture of UX is missing in scrum projects
10Why do Software Teams Deviate from Scrum?: Reasons and Impli...Mortada, Mohamad Michael Ayas, Hamdy, 1994 Hebig, Regina, 1984 Why do Software Teams Deviate from Scrum?: Reasons and Impli...
11Games for Scrum Team Collaboration in the Global Software De...Hidayati, Anita Ismail, Iklima Ermis Yuly, A. R. Edison, Henry Games for Scrum Team Collaboration in the Global Software De...
12The Collective Process Framework DTScrum for Integrating Des...Gadner, Daniel Felderer, Michael, 1978- The Collective Process Framework DTScrum for Integrating Des...
13Customised Roles in Scrum Teams for the Development of Secur...Ahmad, Muhammad Ovais, Associate Professor/Lektor Gustavsson, Tomas, 1973- Saeeda, Hina Customised Roles in Scrum Teams for the Development of Secur...
14Existing but not explicit - The user perspective in scrum pr...Cajander, Åsa Lárusdóttir, Marta Gulliksen, Jan Existing but not explicit - The user perspective in scrum pr...
15Impact of Key Scrum Role Locations in Student Distributed So...Cavrak, I. Bucaioni, Alessio, 1987- Mirandola, R. Impact of Key Scrum Role Locations in Student Distributed So...
16Providing a baseline in software process improvement educati...Steghöfer, Jan-Philipp, 1983Providing a baseline in software process improvement educati...
17An approach for eliciting requirements from digital sources ...Georgiadis, Stylianos Zdravkovic, Jelena, 1968- Stirna, Janis, 1969- An approach for eliciting requirements from digital sources ...
18Integrating Scrum and UCD : Insights from Two Case StudiesAranda Munoz, Alvaro Nilsson Helander, Karin de Gooijer, Thijmen Ralph, Maria Integrating Scrum and UCD : Insights from Two Case Studies
19From scrum to scrumban : A case study of a process transitio...Nikitina, Natalja Kajko-Mattsson, Mira Stråle, Magnus From scrum to scrumban : A case study of a process transitio...
20The Power of Scrum Mastery: An Analysis of Agile Team Perfor...Salin, Hannes Albrecht, Felix Skov, John The Power of Scrum Mastery: An Analysis of Agile Team Perfor...
22Prototyping the Internet of Things with Web Technologies : I...Peterson, Bo Vogel, Bahtijar Prototyping the Internet of Things with Web Technologies : I...
23A workshop for integrating UML modelling and agile developme...Stikkolorum, D. Chaudron, Michel, 1969 A workshop for integrating UML modelling and agile developme...
24Exploring Human-AI Collaboration inAgile: Customised LLM Mee...Cabrero-Daniel, Beatriz, 1994 Herda, Tomas Pichler, Victoria Eder, Martin Exploring Human-AI Collaboration inAgile: Customised LLM Mee...
25Introducing agile principles and management to a library org...Forsman, Daniel, 1976Introducing agile principles and management to a library org...
26Building a High-Level Process Model for Soliciting Requireme...Bider, Ilia Karapantelakis, Athanasios Khadka, Nirjal Building a High-Level Process Model for Soliciting Requireme...
27Agile Practices in Global Software Engineering : A Systemati...Jalali, Samireh Wohlin, Claes Agile Practices in Global Software Engineering : A Systemati...
28Agile methods and cyber-physical systems development : A rev...Ahmad, Muhammad Ovais, Senior LecturerAgile methods and cyber-physical systems development : A rev...
30Teaching Agile : Addressing the conflict between project del...Steghöfer, Jan-Philipp, 1983 Knauss, Eric, 1977 Alégroth, Emil, 1984 Hammouda, Imed, 1953 Teaching Agile : Addressing the conflict between project del...
31User Centred Evaluation in Experimental and Practical Settin...Larusdottir, Marta K. Gulliksen, Jan, Professor Lantz, Ann, Professor Cajander, Asa, Assistant Professor User Centred Evaluation in Experimental and Practical Settin...
32A license to kill - Improving UCSD in Agile developmentLárusdóttir, Marta Gulliksen, Jan Cajander, Åsa A license to kill - Improving UCSD in Agile development
33Teaching and Fostering Reflection in Software Engineering Pr...Burden, Håkan, 1976 Steghöfer, Jan-Philipp, 1983 Teaching and Fostering Reflection in Software Engineering Pr...
34A literature review of agile practices and their effects in ...Sletholt, Magnus Thorstein Hannay, Jo Erskine Pfahl, Dietmar Benestad, Hans Christian A literature review of agile practices and their effects in ...
35Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programm...Wohlin, ClaesAgile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programm...
36Agility Across Time and Space : Implementing Agile Methods i...Smite, Darja Moe, Nils Brede Ågerfalk, Pär, 1971- Agility Across Time and Space : Implementing Agile Methods i...
37A Deep Dive into Self-Regulated Learning : ReflectiveDiaries...Ahmad, Muhammad Ovais, Associate Professor/LektorA Deep Dive into Self-Regulated Learning : ReflectiveDiaries...
38Beyond Technical Debt Unravelling Organisational Debt Concep...Ahmad, Muhammad Ovais, Associate Professor/Lektor Al-Baik, O. Beyond Technical Debt Unravelling Organisational Debt Concep...
39Survey of agile tool usage and needsAzizyan, G. Magarian, M. K. Kajko-Mattson, Mira Survey of agile tool usage and needs
40Visual Planning Applied in a Research EnvironmentEricsson, Evelina Lilliesköld, Joakim Würtemberg, Liv Marcks von Visual Planning Applied in a Research Environment

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