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1Organizational Behaviour and WorkFiona M. Wilson2018A critical yet accessible introduction to organisational beh...ISBN-13:0198777132
2Organizational Behaviour and WorkFiona M. Wilson2013-12This edition provides a critical approach to the study of wo...ISBN-13:0199645981
3Organizational Behaviour and GenderFiona M. Wilson2017-05-15Organizational Behaviour and Gender provides an alternative ...ISBN-13:1351913395
4Organizational Behaviour and WorkFiona Wilson2010-01-21This edition provides a critical approach to the study of wo...ISBN-13:0199534888
5Defining YouFiona Murden2018-07-24Have you ever wondered what a profiling session would tell y...ISBN-13:1473669731
6Understanding Organizational ChangePatrick Dawson2003-02-24Eschewing the hyperbole of many current management books Pat...ISBN-13:9780761971603
7Practising SimplicityJodi Wilson2022-02-01An exquisitely photographed exploration of what it is to fin...ISBN-13:1761063707
8Work Organisation in PracticeP-O Börnfelt2023-05-27This textbook provides an overview of organisation models us...ISBN-13:3031216679
9Organizational Behaviour in a Global ContextAlbert J. Mills2006-01-01"At last there is a lucid, well-written OB book, which cover...ISBN-13:9781551930572
10Work and Occupational PsychologyLara Zibarras2013-02-01Written by a team of experts and with contributions from sem...ISBN-13:1446275531
11Dignity and Daily BreadSwasti Mitter2003-09-02Dignity and Daily Bread compares the lives of women in the f...ISBN-13:1134865511
12Organizational BehaviourFiona Margaret Wilson1999Drawing mainly from the sociology of work, this textbook exa...STANFORD:36105110322133
13The Knowing OrganizationChun Wei Choo2006Links the areas of organizational behaviour and information ...UOM:39015062616571
14Pagan Portals - Stories for the Songs of the YearFiona Tinker2020-10-30Stories for the Songs of the Year is a collection of new chi...ISBN-13:1789044715
15The Naija Food PhilosopherWilson Orhiunu2020-12-18These pages bear a song of sweet celebration. Every meal eat...ISBN-13:9780955139024
16ADHD Go-To GuideDesiree Silva2017-08Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most ...ISBN-13:9781742589480
17Dear FionaFiona Fullerton2012-09He was a suspected Cold War spy. She became the glamorous KG...ISBN-13:1908162163
18Supporting women's career advancement2006An e-book that addresses some of the issues still facing wom...ISBN-13:1845448960
19JusticeFiona Skyring2011A lively and multi-dimensional insight into Australian histo...ISBN-13:9781921401633
20Searching for the Human in Human Resource ManagementSharon Bolton2007-04-30Searching for the Human in Human Resource Management is a hi...ISBN-13:1137020237
21Comparative Quantification of Health Risks: Sexual and repro...Majid Ezzati2004Provides a comprehensive assessment of the scientific eviden...ISBN-13:9241580313
22Advances in Doctoral Research in ManagementKun-huang Huarng2008This book deals with the intellectual foundation of the soci...ISBN-13:9812778659
23Elgar Introduction to Theories of Human Resources and Employ...Keith TownsendThis Elgar Introduction provides an overview of some of the ...ISBN-13:1786439018
24Female EntrepreneurshipNancy M. Carter2006-09-27This informative book is a comprehensive, research-based tex...ISBN-13:113422866X
25Indigenous Pathways into Social ResearchDonna M Mertens2016-06-03A new generation of indigenous researchers is taking its pla...ISBN-13:1315426676
26Managing IdentityAlison Pullen2005-11-28Downsizing, delayering, corporate liposuction, lean manufact...ISBN-13:0230511643
27A Sociology of MonstersJohn Law1991-01-01ISBN-13:9780415071390
28A Textbook of Community NursingSue Chilton2017-10-18A Textbook of Community Nursing is a comprehensive and evide...ISBN-13:1498725414
29The Closure of the International SystemLora Anne Viola2020-07-09Explains how actors control access to international resource...ISBN-13:1108482252
30Wayfaring StrangersFiona Ritchie2021-08-01From the seventeenth through the nineteenth centuries, a ste...ISBN-13:1469666278
31Developments in gender and management research in central an...2005There is limited scholarship that has considered gender, man...ISBN-13:1845444442
32Inventing the FutureNick Srnicek2015-11-17This major new manifesto offers a “clear and compelling vi...ISBN-13:1784780987
33Luna Loves Library DayJoseph Coelho2017-10-05By award-winning Waterstones Children's Laureate Joseph Coel...ISBN-13:1448188881
34Deconstructing Development DiscourseAndrea Cornwall2010Andrea Cornwall is Professor of Anthropology and Development...ISBN-13:9781853397066
35The Cambridge Handbook of the Psychology of PrejudiceFiona Kate Barlow2018-10-11This concise student edition of The Cambridge Handbook of th...ISBN-13:110842600X
36Exercise Therapy in the Management of Musculoskeletal Disord...Fiona Wilson2011-02-10Exercise Therapy in the Management of Musculoskeletal Disord...ISBN-13:1444340158
37Gender and Diversity: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Ap...Management Association, Information Resources2018-08-03Today, gender inequality and diversity are at the forefront ...ISBN-13:1522569138
38Exercise TherapyJohn Gormley2009-02-12Though exercise has been the mainstay of musculoskeletalphys...ISBN-13:1405144556
39Make Healing HappenThe Australian Institute of Health and Welfare2021-05-22The Healing Foundation reportISBN-13:9780648446231
40Organizing WordsYiannis Gabriel2008Organizing Words presents a series of essays on some 220 wid...ISBN-13:0199213216
1Organisation, arbete och ledning : en kritisk introduktionWilson, Fiona2017Organisation, arbete och ledning : en kritisk introduktion
2Organisation, arbete och ledning : en kritisk introduktionWilson, Fiona M., 1955-2008Organisation, arbete och ledning : en kritisk introduktion
3Organisation, arbete och ledning : [en kritisk introduktion]...Wilson, Fiona2000Organisation, arbete och ledning : [en kritisk introduktion]...
4Organisation, arbete och ledning [Ljudupptagning]Wilson, Fiona2001Organisation, arbete och ledning [Ljudupptagning]
5Organisation, arbete och ledning [Elektronisk resurs] en kri...Wilson, Fiona2009Organisation, arbete och ledning [Elektronisk resurs] en kri...
6Organisation, arbete och ledning [Elektronisk resurs] en kri...Wilson, Fiona2018Organisation, arbete och ledning [Elektronisk resurs] en kri...
7A sociology of monsters : essays on power, technology and do...cop. 1991A sociology of monsters : essays on power, technology and do...
8Searching for the human in human resource management : theor...2007Searching for the human in human resource management : theor...

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