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1A Model of Human Occupation2002Presenting the new edition of the text that delivers the mos...ISBN-13:9780781728003
2Model of Human OccupationGary Kielhofner2008Model of Human Occupation, Fourth Edition offers a complete ...ISBN-13:9780781769969
3Kielhofner's Model of Human OccupationRenee Taylor2023-04-21Updated throughout with the latest research, Kielhofner’s ...ISBN-13:1975175190
4Kielhofner's Model of Human OccupationRenee Taylor2017Develop the understanding you need to meet the unique needs ...ISBN-13:9781451190342
5A Model of Human OccupationGary Kielhofner1995Presenting the new edition of the text that delivers the mos...UOM:39015034265770
6Conceptual Foundations of Occupational Therapy PracticeGary Kielhofner2009-06-19PREPARE YOUR OT STUDENTS TO BECOME OT THINKERS. Thoroughly r...ISBN-13:0803623488
7Kielhofner's Research in Occupational TherapyRenee R Taylor2017-01-05With an international team of expert contributors, Renee Tay...ISBN-13:0803642164
8Kielhofner's Research in Occupational TherapyRenee Taylor2023-10-16Renée Taylor and an international team of contributors carr...ISBN-13:1719650896
9Research in Occupational TherapyGary Kielhofner2006Provides a practical approach for Occupational Therapy stude...ISBN-13:9780803615250
10Psychosocial Conceptual Practice Models in Occupational Ther...Moses N. Ikiugu2007-01-01This book examines the occupational therapy paradigm (its fo...ISBN-13:0323041825
11The Practice of Psychosocial Occupational TherapyLinda Finlay2004Using an evidence-based approach, this edition outlines the ...ISBN-13:9780748772575
12Conceptual Foundations of Occupational TherapyGary Kielhofner1997-- Highlights new profession-wide concepts such as dynamic s...PSU:000043083442
13Assessments in Occupational Therapy Mental HealthBarbara J. Hemphill-Pearson2008Assessments in Occupational Therapy Mental Health, Second Ed...ISBN-13:9781556427732
14Willard and Spackman's Occupational TherapyBarbara Schell2018-09-04Celebrating 100 years of the Occupational Therapy profession...ISBN-13:1975125649
15Perspectives on Human OccupationsJim Hinojosa2017-04-21Explore OT from multiple perspectives…from theory to pract...ISBN-13:0803659199
16Health Through OccupationGary Kielhofner1983UOM:39015006030103
17Histology: A Text and AtlasWojciech Pawlina2018-12-07Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers ...ISBN-13:1496386248
18Skills for Practice in Occupational TherapyEdward A. S. Duncan2011-12-02This book is the companion volume to Duncan: FOUNDATIONS FOR...ISBN-13:0702050644
19Occupational Therapy in Community-based Practice SettingsMarjorie E. Scaffa2013Describes a variety of settings where community-based practi...ISBN-13:9780803625808
20Occupational Case Analysis Interview and Rating ScaleKathy Kaplan1989An Interivew and a rating scale which collect information ab...PSU:000033006208
21Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and ProcessAota2014As occupational therapy celebrates its centennial in 2017, a...ISBN-13:9781569003619
22Recovery Through ActivitySue Parkinson2017-07-05Recovery Through Activity is underpinned by the conceptual f...ISBN-13:1351705016
23Occupational Therapy in Mental HealthCatana Brown2019-02-05This revision of a well-loved text continues to embrace the ...ISBN-13:0803659296
24Foundations for Practice in Occupational TherapyEdward A. S. Duncan2012"A practical reference tool which is both a guide to undergr...ISBN-13:9780702053122
25Psychosocial Occupational TherapyMary Ann Bruce1993UOM:39015038549690
26Occupation-based Activity AnalysisHeather Thomas2012Beginning with defining the domain of practice through the a...ISBN-13:1556429460
27Perspectives in Human OccupationPaula Kramer2003This anchor text provides students with a firm foundation on...ISBN-13:9780781731614
28Occupational Therapy for Physical DysfunctionDiane Dirette2019-12-17Designed to help students become effective, reflective pract...ISBN-13:1975154967
29Conditions in Occupational TherapyBen Atchison2023-04-03This updated 6th Edition is fully aligned with the most curr...ISBN-13:1975215583
30Illuminating The Dark Side of OccupationRebecca Twinley2020-10-18This innovative volume introduces Twinley’s concept of ‘...ISBN-13:0429561229
31Occupational Therapy in Psychosocial PracticeRoann Barris1988UOM:39015014475969
32Frames of Reference in Psychosocial Occupational TherapyMary Ann Bruce1987UOM:39015012532746
33Leading and Managing Occupational Therapy ServicesBrent Braveman2016Covers all of the leadership and management content required...ISBN-13:9780803643659
34The Scholarship of PracticePatricia Crist2013-05-13Integrate the freshest research with clinical practice Occup...ISBN-13:1135798192
35Terapia ocupacional en geriatría: principios y prácticaPilar Durante Molina2007-01-10PARTE I. 1. Historia de la terapia ocupacional: su desarroll...ISBN-13:9788445813690
36Mental Health Concepts and Techniques for the Occupational T...Mary Beth Early1987The Third Edition of this classic text provides the basic fo...UOM:39015011642330
37Occupational Therapy in ActionDianne Trickey-Rokenbrod2016-02This work helps students develop the clinical reasoning skil...ISBN-13:9781496310286
38Kielhofner's Model of Human OccupationRenée R. Taylor2017ISBN-13:9781496385918
39The Texture of LifeJim Hinojosa2004PSU:000058199756
40Occupational Therapy Without BordersFrank Kronenberg2005This book challenges occupational therapists to more fully r...PSU:000056265187
1Conceptual foundations of occupational therapy practice [Ele...Kielhofner, Gary, 1949-2010c2009Conceptual foundations of occupational therapy practice [Ele...
2Model of human occupation : teori och tillämpningKielhofner, Gary, 1949-20102012Model of human occupation : teori och tillämpning
3Conceptual foundations of occupational therapy practiceKielhofner, Gary, 1949-2010c2009Conceptual foundations of occupational therapy practice
4Model of human occupation : theory and applicationKielhofner, Gary, 1949-2010ArrayModel of human occupation : theory and application
5Grundläggande begrepp i arbetsterapiKielhofner, Gary, 1949-2010cop. 1994Grundläggande begrepp i arbetsterapi
6Conceptual foundations of occupational therapyKielhofner, Gary, 1949-20102004Conceptual foundations of occupational therapy
7A model of human occupation : theory and applicationKielhofner, Gary, 1949-2010cop. 2002A model of human occupation : theory and application
8A model of human occupationKielhofner, Gary, 1949-20101991A model of human occupation
9Kielhofner's model of human occupation : theory and applicat...[2017]Kielhofner's model of human occupation : theory and applicat...
10A model of human occupation : theory and applicationKielhofner, Gary, 1949-2010cop. 1995A model of human occupation : theory and application
11Conceptual foundations of occupational therapyKielhofner, Gary, 1949-2010cop. 1997Conceptual foundations of occupational therapy
12Model of human occupation [Ljudupptagning] theory and applic...Kielhofner, Gary2009Model of human occupation [Ljudupptagning] theory and applic...
13Conceptual foundations of occupational therapy practice [Ele...Kielhofner, Gary2012Conceptual foundations of occupational therapy practice [Ele...
14Research in occupational therapy : methods of inquiry for en...cop. 2006Research in occupational therapy : methods of inquiry for en...
15Grundläggande begrepp i arbetsterapi [Ljudupptagning]Kielhofner, Gary2002Grundläggande begrepp i arbetsterapi [Ljudupptagning]
16Model of human occupation [Elektronisk resurs] teori och til...Kielhofner, Gary2012Model of human occupation [Elektronisk resurs] teori och til...
17Intressechecklistan : självskattning av tidigare, nuvarande...Kielhofner, G.ArrayIntressechecklistan : självskattning av tidigare, nuvarande...
18Research in occupational therapy : methods of inquiry for en...Kielhofner, Gary2006Research in occupational therapy : methods of inquiry for en...
19Kielhofners model of human occupation : teori och tillämpni...ArrayKielhofners model of human occupation : teori och tillämpni...
20Conceptual foundations of occupational therapyKielhofner, Gary, 1949-2010cop. 1992Conceptual foundations of occupational therapy
21Health through occupation : theory and practice in occupatio...cop. 1983Health through occupation : theory and practice in occupatio...
22The model of human occupation : en sammanfattning av aktuell...Kielhofner, Gary, 1949-2010[1996]The model of human occupation : en sammanfattning av aktuell...
23Talking with clients : assessments that collect informationKielhofner, Gary, 1949-20102008Talking with clients : assessments that collect information
24Intervjubaserad aktivitetsberättelse och bedömning av iden...Kielhofner, Gary, 1949-2010ArrayIntervjubaserad aktivitetsberättelse och bedömning av iden...
25Conceptual Foundations of Occupational Therapy Practice [Ele...Kielhofner, Gary, 1949-20102009Conceptual Foundations of Occupational Therapy Practice [Ele...
26Kielhofner's model of human occupation : theory and applicat...ArrayKielhofner's model of human occupation : theory and applicat...
27Kielhofner's research in occupational therapy : methods of i...cop. 2017Kielhofner's research in occupational therapy : methods of i...
28A model of human occupation : theory and applicationcop. 1985A model of human occupation : theory and application
29The scholarship of practice : academic-practice collaboratio...2005The scholarship of practice : academic-practice collaboratio...
30Occupational case analysis interview and rating scaleKaplan, Kathy L.cop. 1989Occupational case analysis interview and rating scale
31Screening av delaktighet i olika aktiviteter : (MOHOST-S) : ...Parkinson, Sue[2017]Screening av delaktighet i olika aktiviteter : (MOHOST-S) : ...
32Bedömning av kommunikations- och interaktionsfärdigheter :...[2017]Bedömning av kommunikations- och interaktionsfärdigheter :...
33Positive approaches to healthcop. 2007Positive approaches to health
34Occupational therapy in psychosocial practiceBarris, Roanncop. 1988Occupational therapy in psychosocial practice
35Psychosocial occupational therapy : practice in pluralistic ...Barris, Roann1983Psychosocial occupational therapy : practice in pluralistic ...
36Bodies of knowledge in psychosocial practiceBarris, Roanncop. 1988Bodies of knowledge in psychosocial practice
37Bedömning av delaktighet i aktivitet : (OCAIRS-S) : svensk ...2024Bedömning av delaktighet i aktivitet : (OCAIRS-S) : svensk ...
38A user's manual for remotivation process : progressive inter...2003A user's manual for remotivation process : progressive inter...
39OPHI-II S (version 1) : svensk version av Occupational perfo...2000OPHI-II S (version 1) : svensk version av Occupational perfo...
40Screening av delaktighet i olika aktiviteter : MOHOST-S, sve...Parkinson, Sue2014Screening av delaktighet i olika aktiviteter : MOHOST-S, sve...
1Psychometric properties of the work environment impact scale...Kielhofner, Gary Haglund, Lena, 1953- Ekbladh, Elin, 1974- Hedlund, M Psychometric properties of the work environment impact scale...
2Talking with clients : assessments that collect informationKielhofner, Gary Forsyth, Kirsty Clay, Christine Ekbladh, Elin, 1974- Talking with clients : assessments that collect information
3The school setting interview : SSI version 3.0Hemmingsson, Helena, 1957- Egilson, Snaefridur Lidström, Helene Kielhofner, Gary The school setting interview : SSI version 3.0
4A user's manual for the Occupational Circumstances Assessmen...Deshpande, Shilpa Kielhofner, Gary Henriksson, Chris, 1938- Haglund, Lena A user's manual for the Occupational Circumstances Assessmen...
5Psychometric properties of the Worker Role InterviewForsyth, Kirsty Braveman, Brent Ekbladh, Elin Kielhofner, Gary Psychometric properties of the Worker Role Interview
6The Occupational Circumstances Assessment Interview and Rati...Forsyth, Kirsty Deshpande, Shilpa Kielhofner, Gary Henriksson, Chris The Occupational Circumstances Assessment Interview and Rati...
7Validity of the Swedish version of the worker role interview...Haglund, Lena Karlsson, Gunilla Kielhofner, Gary Shea Lai, J Validity of the Swedish version of the worker role interview...
8A user’s manual for the School Setting Interview (SSI). Un...Hemmingsson, Helena Hoffman, Oshrat Regev Kielhofner, Gary A user’s manual for the School Setting Interview (SSI). Un...
9A user's manual for the School Setting Interview (SSI) versi...Hemmingsson, Helena Egilson, Snaefridur Hoffman, Osharat Kielhofner, Gary A user's manual for the School Setting Interview (SSI) versi...
10Bedömning av anpassningar i skolmiljön (BAS), version 3.0 ...Hemmingsson, Helena Egilson, S Hoffman, O Kielhofner, G Bedömning av anpassningar i skolmiljön (BAS), version 3.0 ...
11Bedömning av anpassningar i skolmiljön : BAS, version 3.1Hemmingsson, Helena, 1957- Egilson, Snaefridur Lidström, Helene Kielhofner, Gary Bedömning av anpassningar i skolmiljön : BAS, version 3.1
12Talking with clients : assessments that collect information ...Hemmingsson, Helena, 1957- Forsyth, Kirsty Haglund, Lena, 1953- Keponen, Riita Talking with clients : assessments that collect information ...
13The measurement properties of the Swedish version of the ass...Kjellberg, Anette, 1954- Haglund, Lena, 1953- Forsyth, Kirsty Kielhofner, Gary The measurement properties of the Swedish version of the ass...
14Falls Self-Efficacy Among Adults With Multiple Sclerosis: A ...Peterson, EW Kielhofner, G Tham, K von, Koch L Falls Self-Efficacy Among Adults With Multiple Sclerosis: A ...
15The Occupational Case Analysis Interview and Rating Scale: A...Shei Lai, J Haglund, Lena Kielhofner, Gary The Occupational Case Analysis Interview and Rating Scale: A...

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