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1The Test BookMikael Krogerus2015-10-05An essential library of tests for self-knowledge and success...ISBN-13:0393247058
2Test This Book!Louie Zong2020-08-11A bear and a frog attempt to answer the age-old question "Ho...ISBN-13:1250800609
3The Mom TestRob Fitzpatrick2013-10-09The Mom Test is a quick, practical guide that will save you ...ISBN-13:1492180742
4The Book Test BookJim Kleefeld2020-10-31An encyclopedic reference for mentalists, mind readers and m...ISBN-13:9780990387374
5Test of Integrated Language and Literacy Skills (Tills ) Stu...Nickola Nelson2015-10-30For use with the Test of Integrated Language and Literacy Sk...ISBN-13:9781598579116
6The Official Met Practice Test Book with AnswersMichigan Language Assessment2019-07-16The Michigan English Test (MET) is a standardized internatio...ISBN-13:9780472037629
7The TestingJoelle Charbonneau2013-06-04The opening volume in the New York Times bestselling Testing...ISBN-13:0544035690
8How Google Tests SoftwareJames A. Whittaker2012-03-212012 Jolt Award finalist! Pioneering the Future of Software ...ISBN-13:0132851555
9This Book Will Not Be on the TestPaul Smith Rivas2019-02-15The problem with higher education today is that colleges are...ISBN-13:1475845618
10The TestAnya Kamenetz2015-01-06"[The anti-testing] movement now has a guidebook. . . . Kame...ISBN-13:1610394429
12The TestT. S. Eure2017-11-03It is morning. The sun is shining through your bedroom windo...ISBN-13:1546214763
13The Official Guide to the GRE General Test, Third EditionEducational Testing Service2016-12-29Get the only official guide to the GRE® General Test that c...ISBN-13:9781259862410
14This Is a TestJan Gleiter2014-06-01When you're writing a test, you really don't want to make an...ISBN-13:1625216246
15The Wizard TestHilari Bell2005-02-15In her first middle-grade fantasy, the acclaimed author of "...ISBN-13:0060599405
16TOEFL TestbusterRichard X. Bailey2001-06Includes the complete TOEFL CBT Testbuster plus CD-ROM with ...ISBN-13:9780878911370
17Testing in American Schools1992MINN:31951D003573376
18The Mind TestVarious1981-09-01Contains thirty-five classic psychological and vocational st...ISBN-13:9780688004019
19Beautiful TestingAdam Goucher2009-10-14Successful software depends as much on scrupulous testing as...ISBN-13:144938868X
20The Official ACT Prep Guide, 2018ACT2017-06-09The only guide from the ACT organization, the makers of the ...ISBN-13:1119398843
21Stress TestTimothy F. Geithner2015-05-05New York Times Bestseller Washington Post Bestseller Los Ang...ISBN-13:0804138613
22FTCE General Knowledge Book + OnlineErin Mander2015-06-19REA's FTCE General Knowledge Test Prep with Online Practice ...ISBN-13:0738610879
23This Is Not A TestJosé Vilson2014-05-05José Vilson writes about race, class, and education through...ISBN-13:1608464288
24Usability Testing Essentials: Ready, Set ...Test!Carol M. Barnum2020-06-27Usability Testing Essentials presents a practical, step-by-s...ISBN-13:0128169435
25Unit Test FrameworksPaul Hamill2004-11-02Most people who write software have at least some experience...ISBN-13:0596006896
26xUnit Test PatternsGerard Meszaros2007-05-21Automated testing is a cornerstone of agile development. An ...ISBN-13:0132797461
27The Testing CharadeDaniel Koretz2017-08-31America's leading expert in educational testing and measurem...ISBN-13:022640871X
28Merriam-Webster's Medical DictionaryMerriam-Webster, Inc1995A concise guide to the essential language of medicine. More ...ISBN-13:9780877799146
29Unit Testing Principles, Practices, and PatternsVladimir Khorikov2020-01-06"This book is an indispensable resource." - Greg Wright, Kai...ISBN-13:1638350299
30The Big TestNicholas Lemann2000-11-16A history of the Educational Testing Service and the attempt...ISBN-13:9780374527518
31Testing TreatmentsImogen Evans2011This work provides a thought-provoking account of how medica...ISBN-13:1905177488
32The Psychopath TestJon Ronson2011-06-03What if society wasn't fundamentally rational, but was motiv...ISBN-13:1447202503
33This Is Not a TestCourtney Summers2012-06-19Classic Courtney Summers with a brand new look and exclusive...ISBN-13:1250011817
34Test ScoringISBN-13:113565137X
35Constructing Test ItemsSteven J. Osterlind2005-12-17Constructing test items for standardized tests of achievemen...ISBN-13:0306475359
36Will This Be on the Test?Dana T. Johnson2019-04-23The essential survival guide for college students Getting in...ISBN-13:0691179530
37The Official ACT Prep Guide 2021-2022, (Book + 6 Practice Te...ACT2021-04-20THE OFFICIAL ACT® PREP GUIDE 2021-2022 The comprehensive gu...ISBN-13:1119787343
38Permutation TestsPhillip Good2013-03-09A step-by-step guide to the application of permutation tests...ISBN-13:1475723466
39Common Sense, the Turing Test, and the Quest for Real AIHector J. Levesque2018-03-09What artificial intelligence can tell us about the mind and ...ISBN-13:0262535203
40Test ValidityHoward Wainer2013-07-04Technological and theoretical changes over the past decade h...ISBN-13:1136564527
1test [Elektronisk resurs]Testsson, TestArraytest [Elektronisk resurs]
2Test beställning test : testTestsson, Test, 1966-2017Test beställning test : test
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6test [Elektronisk resurs]test2011test [Elektronisk resurs]
8Test : Milano1979-Test : Milano
10My hero academiaHorikoshi, Kōhei, 1986-[2018]My hero academia
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12IEEE design & test of computers [Elektronisk resurs]1984-IEEE design & test of computers [Elektronisk resurs]
14VuxentyskaAlbert-Nyström, Christine, 1932-1975Vuxentyska
15VuxentyskaAlbert-Nyström, Christine, 1932-1976Vuxentyska
16Sag mal was!Ericsson, Eie, 1933-[1990]Sag mal was!
17Le manège : [fortsättningsfranska för den nya gymnasiesko...Vaderlind, Madeleine, 1950-1998Le manège : [fortsättningsfranska för den nya gymnasiesko...
18Baskurs i kemi för operatörer i massa- och pappersindustri...Sagvik, Erik, 1938-1996Baskurs i kemi för operatörer i massa- och pappersindustri...
19Baskurs i fysik för operatörer i massa- och pappersindustr...Tuxen-Meyer, Otto1996Baskurs i fysik för operatörer i massa- och pappersindustr...
20Baskurs i matematik för operatörer i massa- och pappersind...Fredriksson, Örjan, 1933-1998Baskurs i matematik för operatörer i massa- och pappersind...
21Test [Elektronisk resurs] : no1Kaneko, Jim2011Test [Elektronisk resurs] : no1
22Test api : övrig titelinformationTest, Test, 1900-1999ArrayTest api : övrig titelinformation
23Test. [Elektronisk resurs] determination of the hydrophobici...Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,2023Test. [Elektronisk resurs] determination of the hydrophobici...
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25Seismological Research Requirements for a Comprehensive Test...Panel on Seismological Research Requirements for a Comprehensive Test-Ban Monitoring System, National Research Council1995Seismological Research Requirements for a Comprehensive Test...
26Research Required to Support Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban ...Panel on Basic Research Requirements in Support of Comprehensive Test Ban Monitoring, National Research Council1997Research Required to Support Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban ...
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32Test! [Elektronisk resurs]2012Test! [Elektronisk resurs]
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36Bike test : MC-katalogen1990-2004Bike test : MC-katalogen
37Test [Elektronisk resurs]Adams, Walter2003Test [Elektronisk resurs]
38Test [Elektronisk resurs]Anya Anya Kamenetz Kamenetz.2015Test [Elektronisk resurs]
39Test [Elektronisk resurs]Sebela, Chrisuuuu-uuuuTest [Elektronisk resurs]
40IEEE Design & Test [Elektronisk resurs]2013-IEEE Design & Test [Elektronisk resurs]
1TestHeljetest, TestTest
3Test av publiceringsrutinTestson, TestTest av publiceringsrutin
4Test : åtkomstHelpdesk, DiVATest : åtkomst
5TestNyström, Sandra, 1988-Test
6Test agents : The next generation of test casesEnoiu, Eduard Paul, PhD Frasheri, Mirgita Test agents : The next generation of test cases
7Vinterdäck till cykel : ett jämförande testHjort, Mattias, 1972-Vinterdäck till cykel : ett jämförande test
8On Test DesignEldh, Sigrid, 1961- Hansson, Hans, Professor Punnekkat, Sasikumar, Professor Weyuker, Eleine, dr On Test Design
9Evaluating System-Level Test Generation for Industrial Softw...Zafar, Muhammad Nouman Afzal, Wasif Enoiu, Eduard Paul, PhD Evaluating System-Level Test Generation for Industrial Softw...
10Voluntary crash test of child restraint system : Plus Test ...Uddman, Emily, 1991-Voluntary crash test of child restraint system : Plus Test ...
11Ringanalys 2008 : provningsmetoder för asfaltViman, Leif Broms, Henrik Ringanalys 2008 : provningsmetoder för asfalt
12Test Agents : Adaptive, Autonomous and Intelligent Test Case...Enoiu, Eduard Paul, PhD Frasheri, Mirgita Test Agents : Adaptive, Autonomous and Intelligent Test Case...
13Test Planning and Test Access Mechanism Design for 3D SICsSengupta, Breeta Larsson, Erik Test Planning and Test Access Mechanism Design for 3D SICs
14The successful test taker : exploring test-taking behavior p...Stenlund, Tova Lyrén, Per-Erik Eklöf, Hanna The successful test taker : exploring test-taking behavior p...
15GPS-styrd saltspridning : test på avlyst banaMöller, StaffanGPS-styrd saltspridning : test på avlyst bana
16Motivational aspects of test-taking : measuring test-taking...Knekta, Eva, 1975- Eklöf, Hanna, Docent Sundström, Anna, Docent Olsen, Rolf Vegar, Professor Motivational aspects of test-taking : measuring test-taking...
17A new concept for test equipment for testing large HV and UH...Mohaupt, P. Bergman, Anders A new concept for test equipment for testing large HV and UH...
18On technical debt in software testing - observations from ...Eldh, Sigrid, 1961-On technical debt in software testing - observations from ...
19Developing an instrument for evaluating implementation of cl...Bahtsevani, Christel Willman, Ania Khalaf, Azzam Östman, Margareta Developing an instrument for evaluating implementation of cl...
20Test Planning for 3D SICs using ILPSengupta, Breeta Larsson, Erik Test Planning for 3D SICs using ILP
21Test reportBruzelius, Fredrik Vesco, Mauro Camuffo, Isabella Dalmau, Josep Maria Test report
22ACC_TEST : Hybrid Testing Approach for OpenACC-Based Program...Eassa, Fathy Elbouraey Alghamdi, Ahmed Mohammed Haridi, Seif, 1953- Khemakhem, Maher Ali ACC_TEST : Hybrid Testing Approach for OpenACC-Based Program...
23Test Flow Selection for Stacked Integrated CircuitsSenGupta, Breeta Nikolov, Dimitar Dash, Assmitra Larsson, Erik Test Flow Selection for Stacked Integrated Circuits
24On transforming model-based tests into code : A systematic l...Ferrari, Fabiano C. Durelli, Vinicius H. S. Andler, Sten F. Offutt, Jeff On transforming model-based tests into code : A systematic l...
25Production Monitoring to Improve Test SuitesTiwari, Deepika Zhang, Long Monperrus, Martin Baudry, Benoit Production Monitoring to Improve Test Suites
26Test-Case Quality : Understanding Practitioners’ Perspecti...Tran, Huynh Khanh Vi Ali, Nauman bin Börstler, Jürgen, 1960- Unterkalmsteiner, Michael Test-Case Quality : Understanding Practitioners’ Perspecti...
27Resource Constrained Test Case Prioritization with Simulated...Felding, Eric Strandberg, P. E. Quttineh, Nils-Hassan Afzal, Wasif Resource Constrained Test Case Prioritization with Simulated...
28Evaluation of a sleepiness warning system : a test truck stu...Anund, Anna Hjälmdahl, Magnus Evaluation of a sleepiness warning system : a test truck stu...
29Pædagogisk brug af test : et systematisk reviewNordenbo, Sven Erik Allerup, Peter Andersen Leth, Hanne Dolin, Jens Pædagogisk brug af test : et systematisk review
30A snowballing literature study on test amplificationDanglot, Benjamin Vera-Perez, Oscar Yu, Zhongxing Zaidman, Andy A snowballing literature study on test amplification
31Built-in Loopback Test for IC RF TransceiversDabrowski, Jerzy Ramzan, Rashad Built-in Loopback Test for IC RF Transceivers
32Optimal System-on-Chip Test SchedulingLarsson, Erik, 1966- Fujiwara, Hideo Optimal System-on-Chip Test Scheduling
33Explaining Kummer's testSjödin, Tord, 1944-Explaining Kummer's test
34Mönsterdjupets inverkan på väggrepp på is för släpvagn...Hjort, Mattias, 1972-Mönsterdjupets inverkan på väggrepp på is för släpvagn...
35Code Coverage Aware Test Generation Using Constraint SolverSykora, Krystof Ahmed, Bestoun S., 1982- Bures, Miroslav Code Coverage Aware Test Generation Using Constraint Solver
36Test-Architecture Optimization and Test Scheduling for SOCs ...Larsson, Anders, 1977- Larsson, Erik, 1966- Chakrabarty, Krishnendu Eles, Petru Ion, 1954- Test-Architecture Optimization and Test Scheduling for SOCs ...
37QuickREST : Property-based Test Generation of OpenAPI-Descri...Karlsson, Stefan Causevic, Adnan, 1981- Sundmark, Daniel QuickREST : Property-based Test Generation of OpenAPI-Descri...
38Manoeuvrability characteristics of cars operated by joystick...Östlund, Joakim Peters, Björn Manoeuvrability characteristics of cars operated by joystick...
39Test av åretruntdäck : Väggrepp på is och snö samt barm...Hjort, Mattias, 1972- Bruzelius, Fredrik, 1974- Kharrazi, Sogol, 1980- Ydenius, Anders Test av åretruntdäck : Väggrepp på is och snö samt barm...
40Test Planning and Test Access Mechanism Design for Stacked C...Sengupta, Breeta Larsson, Erik Test Planning and Test Access Mechanism Design for Stacked C...

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