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1CopingC. R. Snyder1999This book is intended for psychologists, social workers, cou...ISBN-13:0195119347
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3Encyclopedia of Applied PsychologyCharles Spielberger2004-09-02Encompasses topics including aging (geropsychology), assessm...ISBN-13:0126574103
4The Everything Psychology BookKendra Cherry2010-11-16There's nothing more fascinating-- or frightening-- than the...ISBN-13:1440506914
5Study Guide for PsychologyDavid G. Myers2009-04-03Longtime Myers collaborator Richard Straub provides an updat...ISBN-13:9781429225342
6The Psychology BookDK2015-02-02Learn about human nature, behavior and how the mind works wi...ISBN-13:1465439293
7The Psychology of AttentionHarold Pashler1999-07-26In the past two decades, attention has been one of the most ...ISBN-13:9780262661560
8Exploring PsychologyDavid G. Myers2004-04-02David Myers's bestselling brief text has opened millions of ...ISBN-13:9780716715443
9How Psychology WorksDK2018-06-07How far would you go to obey orders? Why do many people - ev...ISBN-13:0241360420
10The Psychology of MoneyMorgan Housel2020-09-08Doing well with money isn’t necessarily about what you kno...ISBN-13:085719769X
11PsychologyRose M. Spielman2018-08The images in this textbook are in grayscale. There is a col...ISBN-13:9781680922363
12Applying Psychology to Everyday LifeKenneth T. Strongman2007-12-10This text gives a general introduction to the subject but in...ISBN-13:0470341882
13Organizational PsychologySteve M. Jex2002-11-08A comprehensive treatment of the science and practice of org...ISBN-13:0471219053
14The Psychology BookWade E. Pickren2018-07This stunningly illustrated book in Sterling's 'Milestones' ...ISBN-13:9781454927884
15An Introduction to Psychology of ReligionRobert W. Crapps1986Developed in almost thirty years of classroom experience, th...ISBN-13:9780865541955
16Handbook of Adolescent Psychology, Volume 1Richard M. Lerner2009-04-06The study of and interest in adolescence in the field of psy...ISBN-13:0470149213
17Transforming Introductory PsychologyRegan A. R. Gurung2021-08-17This book presents recommendations for teaching the introduc...ISBN-13:9781433834721
18A Degree in a Book: PsychologyAlan Porter2018-12-15A perfect introduction for students and laypeople alike, A D...ISBN-13:1789504333
19The Psychology of StereotypingDavid J. Schneider2004-01-01The first comprehensive treatment of stereotypes and stereot...ISBN-13:9781572309296
20Psychology in the SpiritJohn H. Coe2010-02-28Can real change happen in the human soul? Is it possible to ...ISBN-13:0830879013
21Client PsychologyCFP Board2018-02-19A Client-Centered approach to Financial Planning Practice bu...ISBN-13:1119440904
22Internships in PsychologyCarol Williams-Nickelson2005-01-01Designed specifically for doctoral-level psychology graduate...ISBN-13:9781591472094
23Psychology: The Comic Book IntroductionDanny Oppenheimer2017-12-05An award-winning cartoonist teams up with an award-winning p...ISBN-13:0393351963
24Career Paths in PsychologyRobert J. Sternberg1997-01As Career Paths in Psychology shows, the range of work that ...ISBN-13:9781557984111
25Understand Psychology: Teach YourselfNicky Hayes2010-01-29A FASCINATING INSIGHT INTO WHAT MAKES US TICK The bestsellin...ISBN-13:1444129813
26What is Psychology?Andrew Colman2016-01-28This clear and lively introduction to psychology assumes no ...ISBN-13:1317724992
27Introduction to PsychologyJennifer WalingaThis book is designed to help students organize their thinki...
28Critical Thinking in PsychologyRobert J. Sternberg2007Explores key topics in psychology, showing how they can be c...ISBN-13:0521845890
29Handbook of Pediatric Psychology, Fifth EditionMichael C. Roberts2018-03-21Thousands of practitioners and students have relied on this ...ISBN-13:1462536085
30The Psychology of LearningJan De Houwer2020-09-01An introduction to the psychology of learning that summarize...ISBN-13:0262539233
31Practical Female Psychology for the Practical ManJoseph W. South2008-05-24Practical Female Psychology for the Practical Man is a uniqu...ISBN-13:0359861342
32Introduction to PsychologyLionel Nicholas2008Completely revised and updated, this newly illustrated guide...ISBN-13:9781919895024
33Dual-process Theories in Social PsychologyShelly Chaiken1999-02-19This informative volume presents the first comprehensive rev...ISBN-13:9781572304215
34Talks to Teachers on Psychology and to Students on Some of L...William James1983Despite the modesty of its title, the publication of this bo...ISBN-13:9780674867857
35The Psychology of Meaning in LifeTatjana Schnell2020-07-09This book offers an inspiring exploration of current finding...ISBN-13:1000072851
36AP® Psychology Crash Course, For the New 2020 Exam, Book + ...Larry Kreiger2020-05-01For the New 2020 Exam! AP® Psychology Crash Course® A High...ISBN-13:0738612715
37Graduate Study in PsychologyAmerican Psychological Association2016-08Graduate Study in Psychology is the best source of informati...ISBN-13:9781433826429
38FlowMihaly Csikszent1991-03-13An introduction to "flow," a new field of behavioral science...ISBN-13:0060920432
39Psychology and Climate ChangeSusan Clayton2018-06-05Psychology and Climate Change: Human Perceptions, Impacts, a...ISBN-13:0128131314
40Performance PsychologyMarkus Raab2015-09-24This book integrates findings from across domains in perform...ISBN-13:0128033916
1Psichologija / Psychology [Elektronisk resurs]2003-Psichologija / Psychology [Elektronisk resurs]
3Psychology : the science of mind and behaviourcop. 2012Psychology : the science of mind and behaviour
4Handbook of industrial, work and organizational psychology [...2009Handbook of industrial, work and organizational psychology [...
5Psychology. some emerging perspectives2020Psychology. some emerging perspectives
6Psychology : for the IB diplomaHalkiopoulos, Christos2018Psychology : for the IB diploma
7Handbook of industrial, work and organizational psychology [...2009Handbook of industrial, work and organizational psychology [...
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9Psychology [Elektronisk resurs]Richards, Graham2009Psychology [Elektronisk resurs]
10Psychology [Elektronisk resurs]2010-Psychology [Elektronisk resurs]
11Psychology [Elektronisk resurs] : an empirical study of beha...Lund, Frederick Hansen, 1894-[c1933]Psychology [Elektronisk resurs] : an empirical study of beha...
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18PsychologyGoldstein, E. Bruce1994Psychology
19Psychology [Elektronisk resurs] : a study of a science. Stud...1962Psychology [Elektronisk resurs] : a study of a science. Stud...
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21Psychology [Elektronisk resurs]James, William, 1842-1910.1892Psychology [Elektronisk resurs]
22Ethical conflicts in psychology [Elektronisk resurs]c1995Ethical conflicts in psychology [Elektronisk resurs]
23Applied Psychology Readings Selected Papers from Singapore C...2018Applied Psychology Readings Selected Papers from Singapore C...
24Psychology [Elektronisk resurs]1933Psychology [Elektronisk resurs]
26Psychology [Elektronisk resurs] from the standpoint of a beh...Watson, John B. 1878-1958[c1924]Psychology [Elektronisk resurs] from the standpoint of a beh...
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28Psychology [Elektronisk resurs] : a study of a science. Vol....1962Psychology [Elektronisk resurs] : a study of a science. Vol....
29Variations in psychologyWeiten, Wayne, 1950-2013Variations in psychology
30Psychology [Elektronisk resurs] : a study of a science. Stud...Koch, Sigmund.1963Psychology [Elektronisk resurs] : a study of a science. Stud...
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32Psychology [Elektronisk resurs] : the science of human behav...Givler, Robert Chenault, b. 1884.1922Psychology [Elektronisk resurs] : the science of human behav...
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34Psychology : supporting every learner across the IB continuu...Law, Alancop. 2010Psychology : supporting every learner across the IB continuu...
35Psychology : themes and variationsWeiten, Wayne, 1950-c2010Psychology : themes and variations
36Psychology [Elektronisk resurs]James, William, 1842-1910.1892Psychology [Elektronisk resurs]
37Feminism & psychology : an international journal1991-Feminism & psychology : an international journal
38Psychology: [Elektronisk resurs] : theoretical-historical pe...c1998Psychology: [Elektronisk resurs] : theoretical-historical pe...
39Psychology [Elektronisk resurs]1961Psychology [Elektronisk resurs]
40Psychology [Elektronisk resurs]Dewey, John, 1859-1952.[c1891]Psychology [Elektronisk resurs]
1Förfalskande utredningsmetodik i barnavårdsutredning med m...Edvardsson, Bo, 1944-Förfalskande utredningsmetodik i barnavårdsutredning med m...
2The Psychology of Hate Crimes as Domestic Terrorism: U.S. an...Dunbar, Edward Amalio, Blanco Crévecoeur-MacPhail, Desirée A. The Psychology of Hate Crimes as Domestic Terrorism: U.S. an...
3The Psychology of Hate Crimes as Domestic Terrorism: U.S. an...Dunbar, Edward Blanco, Amalio Crévecoeur-MacPhail, Desirée A. The Psychology of Hate Crimes as Domestic Terrorism: U.S. an...
4The Psychology of Hate Crimes as Domestic Terrorism: U.S. an...Dunbar, E. Blanco, A. Crèvecoeur-MacPhail, D. A. The Psychology of Hate Crimes as Domestic Terrorism: U.S. an...
5The Path to Job Satisfaction : Applying the Theory of Purpos...Österberg, Johan, 1969- Rydstedt, L W Kleiven, J Fors Brandebo, Maria, 1979- The Path to Job Satisfaction : Applying the Theory of Purpos...
6Utredningsmetodik, tankefel och källkritik i ett fall med e...Edvardsson, Bo, 1944-Utredningsmetodik, tankefel och källkritik i ett fall med e...
7Kritisk förhörsanalys kontra Lundaskolans vittnespsykologi...Edvardsson, Bo, 1944-Kritisk förhörsanalys kontra Lundaskolans vittnespsykologi...
8Påverkansfallet I: utredningsmetodik, tankefel och källkri...Edvardsson, Bo, 1944-Påverkansfallet I: utredningsmetodik, tankefel och källkri...
9Kritisk granskning av ett BUP-utlåtande om ett barn : Grovt...Edvardsson, Bo, 1944-Kritisk granskning av ett BUP-utlåtande om ett barn : Grovt...
10Utredningsmetodik, tankefel och källkritik vid en umgänges...Edvardsson, Bo, 1944-Utredningsmetodik, tankefel och källkritik vid en umgänges...
11Flumpsykologi i barnpsykiatriska journaler rörande tre barn...Edvardsson, Bo, 1944-Flumpsykologi i barnpsykiatriska journaler rörande tre barn...
12Influence of judges' behaviors on perceived procedural justi...Beier, Susanne Eib, Constanze Oehmann, Verena Fiedler, Peter Influence of judges' behaviors on perceived procedural justi...
13Utveckling av bedömningsinstrument och stödinsatser för v...Broberg, Anders G, 1950 Almqvist, Kjerstin, 1953- Appell, Petra, 1968- Axberg, Ulf, 1961 Utveckling av bedömningsinstrument och stödinsatser för v...
14A New Look at Individual Differences in Perceptions of Unfai...Eriksson, Kimmo Kazemi, Ali Törnblom, Kjell A New Look at Individual Differences in Perceptions of Unfai...
15How satisfaction with running business and private life are ...Fors Connolly, Filip, 1981- Johansson Sevä, Ingemar Gärling, Tommy, 1941 Johansson Säve, Ingemar How satisfaction with running business and private life are ...
16Internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy for perfect...Johnson, Shevaugn Egan, Sarah J. Andersson, Gerhard, 1966- Carlbring, Per Internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy for perfect...
17Multi-level barriers and facilitators to implementing a pare...Norman, Åsa Swahnström, Simon Ulfsdotter Karlström, Natalia Enebrink, P Multi-level barriers and facilitators to implementing a pare...
18The five factor model of personality as predictor of online ...Roos, John Magnus Kazemi, Ali, 1976- The five factor model of personality as predictor of online ...
19The association between office design and performance on dem...Seddigh, Aram Stenfors, C Berntson, Erik Bååth, Rasmus The association between office design and performance on dem...
20Tolerating the Intolerant : Does Realistic Threat Lead to In...Sinclair, Samantha, 1983- Nilsson, Artur Agerström, Jens, 1976- Tolerating the Intolerant : Does Realistic Threat Lead to In...
21Refugee parents’ experiences of coming to Sweden : A quali...Västhagen, Maja Özdemir, Metin, Associate Professor, 1977- Ghaderi, A Kimber, Birgitta Refugee parents’ experiences of coming to Sweden : A quali...
22Utredningsmetodik, tankefel och källkritik i en barnavårds...Edvardsson, Bo, 1944-Utredningsmetodik, tankefel och källkritik i en barnavårds...
23Minnesfenomen och tankefel i en förundersökning av påstå...Edvardsson, Bo, 1944-Minnesfenomen och tankefel i en förundersökning av påstå...
24Kritisk granskning av en förundersökning med misstanke om ...Edvardsson, Bo, 1944-Kritisk granskning av en förundersökning med misstanke om ...
25Barnavårdsutredning enligt BBIC med pseudopsykologi. Grovt ...Edvardsson, Bo, 1944-Barnavårdsutredning enligt BBIC med pseudopsykologi. Grovt ...
26Kritisk, jämförande analysmetodik i ett fall med strid om ...Edvardsson, Bo, 1944-Kritisk, jämförande analysmetodik i ett fall med strid om ...
27Exploring the identity of a group of Assyrian/Syriac young a...Dudas, Victor, 1987- Cetrez, Önver A., Associate Professor in Psychology of Religion & Cultural Psychology DeMarinis, Valerie, Professor of Psychology of Religion Grzymała-Moszczyńska, Halina Exploring the identity of a group of Assyrian/Syriac young a...
28Social psychology : Evaluations of social groups with statis...Gustafsson Sendén, Marie Sikström, Sverker Social psychology : Evaluations of social groups with statis...
29Discursive psychologyWiggins, Sally, Dr, 1975- Potter, Jonathan Discursive psychology
30Neighborhood conditions in a Swedish context - Two studies o...Clausén Gull, Ingela Kapetanovic, Sabina, 1980- Norman, Åsa Ferrer-Wreder, Laura Neighborhood conditions in a Swedish context - Two studies o...
31Psychology of sustainable travel behaviorGehlert, Tina Dziekan, Katrin Gärling, Tommy Psychology of sustainable travel behavior
32An Inquiry into Satisfaction and Variations in User-Oriented...Kajonius, Petri, 1974- Kazemi, Ali Wahlin, Åke Johansson, Boo, Prof. An Inquiry into Satisfaction and Variations in User-Oriented...
33The impact of driver sleepiness on fixation-related brain po...Ahlström, Christer, 1977- Solis Marcos, Ignacio Nilsson, Emma, 1982 Åkerstedt, Torbjörn The impact of driver sleepiness on fixation-related brain po...
34Cultivating Compassion and Reducing Stress and Mental Ill-He...Andersson, Christina Mellner, Christin Lilliengren, Peter, 1972- Einhorn, Stefan Cultivating Compassion and Reducing Stress and Mental Ill-He...
35Effects of Task Demands on Olfactory, Auditory, and Visual E...Andersson, Linus, 1979- Sandberg, Petra Olofsson, Jonas K. Nordin, Steven Effects of Task Demands on Olfactory, Auditory, and Visual E...
36Brief report : Contemplate your symptoms and re-evaluate you...Andreasson, Anna Schiller, Helena Åkerstedt, Torbjörn Berntson, Erik Brief report : Contemplate your symptoms and re-evaluate you...
37Adolescent gaming and parent-child emotional closeness : biv...Boson, Karin Gurdal, Sevtap, 1976- Claesdotter-Knutsson, Emma Kapetanovic, Sabina Adolescent gaming and parent-child emotional closeness : biv...
38Validating the Motives for Online Gaming Questionnaire (MOGQ...Bäcklund, Christian Eriksson Sörman, Daniel, 1974- Malmberg Gavelin, Hanna, 1982- Demetrovics, Zsolt Validating the Motives for Online Gaming Questionnaire (MOGQ...
39Validating the Motives for Online Gaming Questionnaire (MOGQ...Bäcklund, Christian Eriksson Sörman, Daniel, 1974- Malmberg Gavelin, Hanna, 1982- Demetrovics, Zsolt Validating the Motives for Online Gaming Questionnaire (MOGQ...
40Subjective Impairments in Olfaction and Cognition Predict Di...Cedres, Nira Aejmelaeus-Lindström, Andrea Ekström, Ingrid, 1988- Nordin, Steven, 1960- Subjective Impairments in Olfaction and Cognition Predict Di...

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