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1Climate EconometricsJennifer L. Castle2020-08-18Climate Econometrics: An Overview provides a review of the r...ISBN-13:9781680837087
2Real-Time AnalyticsByron Ellis2014-06-23Construct a robust end-to-end solution for analyzing and vis...ISBN-13:1118838025
3Introduction to Multi-Armed BanditsAleksandrs Slivkins2019-10-31Multi-armed bandits is a rich, multi-disciplinary area that ...ISBN-13:9781680836202
4PostgreSQLBruce Momjian2001The open source PostgreSQL database is soaring in popularity...UCSD:31822029744778
5The Carcinogenic Effects Of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons...Andreas Luch2005-08-22This book provides an overview on the molecular mode of acti...ISBN-13:1783260874
6802.11 Wireless Networks: The Definitive GuideMatthew S. Gast2005-04-25As we all know by now, wireless networks offer many advantag...ISBN-13:1449319521
7PostgreSQL Server ProgrammingHannu Krosing2013-01-01This practical guide leads you through numerous aspects of w...ISBN-13:1849516995
8Beginning Databases with PostgreSQLRichard Stones2006-11-03*The most updated PostgreSQL book on the market, covering ve...ISBN-13:1430200189
9Romney Readiness Project 20122013-01-01The importance of effective and well-planned presidential tr...ISBN-13:9780615799865
10Colonial Origins of the American ConstitutionDonald S. Lutz1998Presents 80 documents selected to reflect Eric Voegelin's th...STANFORD:36105060994543
11Operating SystemsAndrew S. Tanenbaum1997The Second Edition of this best-selling introductory operati...ISBN-13:9780136301950
12CockroachDB: The Definitive GuideGuy Harrison2022-04-08Get the lowdown on CockroachDB, the elastic SQL database bui...ISBN-13:1098100212
13Discovering SQLAlex Kriegel2011-03-31Teaching the SQL skills that businesses demand when hiring p...ISBN-13:1118092775
14PostgreSQL for Data ArchitectsJayadevan Maymala2015-03-30This book is for developers and data architects who have som...ISBN-13:1783288612
15Electronic Commerce and Web TechnologiesKurt Bauknecht2003-06-30We welcome you to the Second International Conference on E c...ISBN-13:3540447008
16Staphylococci and Staphylococcal Diseases : Proceedings1976OCLC:938783121
17AIX V6 Advanced Security Features Introduction and Configura...Chris Almond2013-08-26AIX Version 6.1 provides many significant new security techn...ISBN-13:0738489247
18Presidential Transition GuidePartnership for Public Service2016-01-20The Partnership for Public Service's comprehensive guide to ...ISBN-13:9780692666883
19Esap 2018Anthony R Means2017-11ISBN-13:9781879225411
20EnCase Computer Forensics -- The Official EnCESteve Bunting2012-09-14The official, Guidance Software-approved book on the newest ...ISBN-13:1118058984
21Internetworking MultimediaJon Crowcroft1999-08-26This volume aims to document the authors' prescription for t...ISBN-13:9780748408078
22Production of Juvenile Atlantic Salmon, Salmo Salar, in Natu...National Research Council Canada1993Up-to-date information, knowledge and research in progress i...ISBN-13:9780660149547
23MetasploitDavid Kennedy2011-07-15The Metasploit Framework makes discovering, exploiting, and ...ISBN-13:159327288X
24The Handbook of Crisis CommunicationW. Timothy Coombs2012-01-10Written as a tool for both researchers and communication man...ISBN-13:1444361902
25Essential ReproductionMartin H. Johnson2012-12-14Providing essential reading for medical, veterinary and biol...ISBN-13:1118423887
26Transgenic Models in PharmacologyLutz Hein2003-10-10Up-to-date information on animal models generated by transge...ISBN-13:9783540001096
27The Econometric Analysis of Network DataBryan Graham2020-05-20The Econometric Analysis of Network Data serves as an entry ...ISBN-13:0128117710
28Kala Azar in South AsiaT.K. Jha2011-01-05Therapeutic regimens for visceral leishmaniasis (also Kala-a...ISBN-13:9400702779
29A Europe of Towns and Cities1998OCLC:1111103504
30Re-evaluation of Some Organic Chemicals, Hydrazine and Hydro...IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans1999UOM:39015054299550
31Richardson's Defense of the SouthJohn Anderson Richardson2010-03Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back t...ISBN-13:1444697366
32NeXTSTEP ProgrammingSimson Garfinkel1993UOM:39015029099374
33Plant PhotomorphogenesisRuohe Yin2021This book provides detailed protocols for research in plant ...ISBN-13:9781071613702
34DiterpenoidsBrandon Jones2017Diterpenoids are chemical compounds containing 20 carbon ato...ISBN-13:9781536106718
35The Apache Modeling ProjectBernhard Gröne2009OCLC:1199697303
36NBER Macroeconomics Annual1986ISBN-13:9780262024761

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