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1Developments in Spatial Data HandlingPeter F. Fisher2006-02-28The International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling is the ...ISBN-13:3540267727
2Bridging the Geographic Information SciencesJérôme Gensel2012-04-02For the sixth consecutive year, the AGILE conference promote...ISBN-13:3642290639
3Geospatial ThinkingMarco Painho2010-07-20For the fourth consecutive year, the Association of Geograph...ISBN-13:3642123260
4Advances in GIScienceMonika Sester2009-04-22The Association of Geographic Information Laboratories for E...ISBN-13:3642003184
5Thematic Cartography and Geovisualization, Fourth EditionTerry A. Slocum2022-08-18This comprehensive and well-established cartography textbook...ISBN-13:1000631079
6Geospatial Technologies for Local and Regional DevelopmentPhaedon Kyriakidis2019-04-15This book includes the full research papers accepted by the ...ISBN-13:3030147452
7Geographic Information ScienceSara Irina Fabrikant2010-09-03This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th In...ISBN-13:3642152996
8Geographic Information ScienceNingchuan Xiao2012-09-02This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th In...ISBN-13:364233024X
9Geographic Information ScienceJennifer A. Miller2016-09-13This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th In...ISBN-13:3319457381
10Cartography and Geographic Information Science2003STANFORD:36105115019510
11Visual Information CommunicationMao Lin Huang2009-10-20Visual communication through graphical and sign languages ha...ISBN-13:1441903127
12Geographic Information ScienceMatt Duckham2014-09-03This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th In...ISBN-13:3319115936
13Advances in Spatial Data Handling and GISAnthony G.O. Yeh2012-06-06This book provides a cross-section of cutting-edge research ...ISBN-13:364225926X
14Societal Geo-innovationArnold Bregt2017-04-03This book contains the full research papers presented at the...ISBN-13:3319567594
15AGILE 2015Fernando Bacao2015-04-23This is a book is a collection of articles that will be subm...ISBN-13:3319167871
16Abstracting Geographic Information in a Data Rich WorldDirk Burghardt2014-07-08Research in the field of automated generalisation has faced ...ISBN-13:3319002031
17Proceedings of the 3rd Ph.D. Retreat of the HPI Research Sch...Meinel, Christoph 2009Design and Implementation of service-oriented architectures ...ISBN-13:3940793817
18Generalisation of Geographic InformationWilliam A. Mackaness2011-07-28Theoretical and Applied Solutions in Multi Scale Mapping Use...ISBN-13:0080524745
19Geographic Information Science at the Heart of EuropeDanny Vandenbroucke2013-05-13For the seventh consecutive year, the AGILE promotes the pub...ISBN-13:3319006150
20Web and Wireless Geographical Information SystemsChristophe Claramunt2005-05-03The main topic of the W2GIS workshop is theoretical and tech...ISBN-13:3540319646
21Geospatial Data in a Changing WorldTapani Sarjakoski2016-05-14This book collects innovative research presented at the 19th...ISBN-13:3319337831
22GISMichael F. Worboys2004-05-11GIS: A Computing Perspective, Second Edition, provides a ful...ISBN-13:9780415283755
23Advances in Geo-Spatial Information ScienceWenzhong Shi2012-06-12Advances in Geo-Spatial Information Science presents recent ...ISBN-13:0415620937
24Geo-Informatics in Resource Management and Sustainable Ecosy...Fuling Bian2013-10-30This two volume set (CCIS 398 and 399) constitutes the refer...ISBN-13:3642419089
25Metropolitan ResearchJens Martin Gurr2022-09-30Metropolitan research requires multidisciplinary perspective...ISBN-13:3839463106
26Recent Advances in 3D Geoinformation ScienceThomas H. Kolbe2023The book includes the contributions to the international con...ISBN-13:3031436997
27Connecting a Digital Europe Through Location and PlaceJoaquín Huerta2014-05-17This book collects innovative research presented at the 17th...ISBN-13:3319036114
28Spatial Data on the WebAlberto Belussi2007-08-15This book focuses on the modeling and management of spatial ...ISBN-13:3540698787
29Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Advanceme...Dezhi LiISBN-13:9819719496
30Strindberg's The Ghost SonataEgil Törnqvist2000-01-01Generally considered one of milestones in the development of...ISBN-13:9053564357
32ACSM Bulletin1999STANFORD:36105110881468
33A Framework for Modifying Spatial Data on the WebHaiyan Yang2007UCAL:X76456
34Proceedings for the ... International Symposium on Remote Se...2000UIUC:30112033009983
35Proceedings for the 28th International Symposium on Remote S...2000MINN:31951D02015593R
36WormholeEric Brown2022-11-22An eighty year old cold case murder investigation that stret...ISBN-13:0857669982
37When Maps Become the WorldRasmus Grønfeldt Winther2020-06-29Map making and, ultimately, map thinking is ubiquitous acros...ISBN-13:022667486X
38Bulletin - Association Des Cartothèques Et Archives Cartogr...1999UOM:39015049960928
39Deutsche Geodatische KommissionISBN-13:9783769689235
40Svenska slägtbokenGabriel Anrep1871NYPL:33433012119917
1Geografisk informationsbehandling : teori, metoder och till...ArrayGeografisk informationsbehandling : teori, metoder och till...
2Geografisk informationsbehandling : teori, metoder och till...2013Geografisk informationsbehandling : teori, metoder och till...
3Lundagård : organ för Lunds studentkårArrayLundagård : organ för Lunds studentkår
4Label Placement Challenges in City Wayfinding Map Production...Harrie, Lars2022Label Placement Challenges in City Wayfinding Map Production...
5Geografisk informationsbehandling : teori, metoder och till...2008Geografisk informationsbehandling : teori, metoder och till...
6An optimisation approach to cartographic generalisationHarrie, Lars, 1968-2001An optimisation approach to cartographic generalisation
7Generalisation methods for propagating updates between carto...Harrie, Lars, 1968-1998Generalisation methods for propagating updates between carto...
8Jesus, vem var han?Widding, Lars, 1924-19941962Jesus, vem var han?
9Jesus, vem var han?Widding, Lars, 1924-19941970Jesus, vem var han?
10Some specific problems in geoid determinationHarrie, Lars, 1968-1993Some specific problems in geoid determination
11Jesus vem var han? [Ljudupptagning]Widding, Lars2009Jesus vem var han? [Ljudupptagning]
12Användning av geografiska informationssystem inom vägplane...2001Användning av geografiska informationssystem inom vägplane...
13Geografisk informationsbehandling [Ljudupptagning] teori, me...2013Geografisk informationsbehandling [Ljudupptagning] teori, me...
14Geografisk informationsbehandling [Ljudupptagning] teori, me...2021Geografisk informationsbehandling [Ljudupptagning] teori, me...
15Geografisk informationsbehandling [Ljudupptagning] teori, me...2010Geografisk informationsbehandling [Ljudupptagning] teori, me...
16Geografisk informationsbehandling : teori, metoder och till...2012Geografisk informationsbehandling : teori, metoder och till...
17Geospatial Technologies for All Selected Papers of the 21st ...2018Geospatial Technologies for All Selected Papers of the 21st ...
18Geospatial Technologies for All Selected Papers of the 21st ...2018Geospatial Technologies for All Selected Papers of the 21st ...
19Standardiseringsstrategi, period 2021–2023 [Elektronisk re...Bengtson, Pontus2021Standardiseringsstrategi, period 2021–2023 [Elektronisk re...
20A BIM-based approach to design a lifecycle 3D property forma...Sun, Jing2023A BIM-based approach to design a lifecycle 3D property forma...
21RAPPORT GEODATARÅDETS HANDLINGSPLAN 2020 [Elektronisk resur...Forsberg, Magnus2020RAPPORT GEODATARÅDETS HANDLINGSPLAN 2020 [Elektronisk resur...
22Evaluating the geometric aspects of integrating BIM data int...Sun, Jing2019Evaluating the geometric aspects of integrating BIM data int...
23Utilizing BIM and GIS for Representation and Visualization o...Sun, Jing2019Utilizing BIM and GIS for Representation and Visualization o...
24Techniques for and consequences of using INSPIRE extensions ...Eriksson, Helen2018Techniques for and consequences of using INSPIRE extensions ...
25Ramverk Nationell Standardiseringsstrategi [Elektronisk resu...Bengtson, Pontus2021Ramverk Nationell Standardiseringsstrategi [Elektronisk resu...
26Arbetsrapport Nationell Standardiseringsstrategi [Elektronis...Bengtson, Pontus2021Arbetsrapport Nationell Standardiseringsstrategi [Elektronis...
27Long-term ice phenology records spanning up to 578 years for...Sharma, Sapna2022Long-term ice phenology records spanning up to 578 years for...
28Towards Design and Development of a BIM based 3D Property Fo...Sun, Jing 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 11-13 October 2021, New York, USA 2021Towards Design and Development of a BIM based 3D Property Fo...
29BIM-based 3D Cadastral Management. Slutrapport för projekt...Sun, Jing2022BIM-based 3D Cadastral Management. Slutrapport för projekt...
30Modeling Width in Spatial Optimization in Raster Space [Elek...Seegmiller, Lindsi2022Modeling Width in Spatial Optimization in Raster Space [Elek...
31KvalitetscensurAhlin, Lars, 1915-1997Kvalitetscensur
32En mellanneolitisk boplats i Tostarp, St. HarriePersson, Lars-Erik, 1949-1988En mellanneolitisk boplats i Tostarp, St. Harrie
33Rebecca [Elektronisk resurs]Du Maurier, Daphne, 1907-1989nnnnRebecca [Elektronisk resurs]
34Folkbildningens och folkrörelsernas betydelse för arbetarl...Furuland, Lars2007Folkbildningens och folkrörelsernas betydelse för arbetarl...
35Prosastycken [Ljudupptagning]Valéry, Paul2001Prosastycken [Ljudupptagning]
36Per Anders Fogelströms samlingFogelström, Per Anders, 1917-1998Per Anders Fogelströms samling
37Geospatial Technologies for All [electronic resource] : Sele...uuuu-uuuuGeospatial Technologies for All [electronic resource] : Sele...
38Sånger och visor för manskörSöderlundh, Lille Bror, 1912-19571949Sånger och visor för manskör
39Din stund på jorden av Vilhelm Moberg : urpremiär den 9 fe...[1967]Din stund på jorden av Vilhelm Moberg : urpremiär den 9 fe...
40Generalisation of Geographic Information [Elektronisk resurs...2007Generalisation of Geographic Information [Elektronisk resurs...
1Introduktion till geografisk informationsbehandlingHarrie, Lars Eklundh, Lars Harrie, Lars Introduktion till geografisk informationsbehandling
2Introduktion till geografisk informationsbehandlingHarrie, Lars Eklundh, Lars Harrie, Lars Introduktion till geografisk informationsbehandling
3Bearbetning av geografiska dataEklundh, Lars Harrie, Lars Harrie, Lars Bearbetning av geografiska data
4Bearbetning av geografiska dataEklundh, Lars Harrie, Lars Harrie, Lars Bearbetning av geografiska data
5De unga gör helt rätt när de stämmer statenMoberg, Christina Corvellec, Hervé Lindroth, Anders Isacson, Manuela De unga gör helt rätt när de stämmer staten
6Insamling av geografiska dataÅgren, Jonas Eklundh, Lars Olsson, Håkan Harrie, Lars Insamling av geografiska data
7Lagring av geografiska dataHarrie, Lars Svensson, Per Harrie, Lars Lagring av geografiska data
8Lagring av geografiska dataHarrie, Lars Svensson, Per Harrie, Lars Lagring av geografiska data
9The need for country masks for future national greenhouse ga...Harrie, Lars Karstens, Ute Huang, Huiting Mansourian, Ali The need for country masks for future national greenhouse ga...
10Multiple Representation for Geospatial Linked DataHuang, Weiming Eidsson, Eidur Harrie, Lars Mansourian, Ali Multiple Representation for Geospatial Linked Data
11Geospatial Technologies for All: PrefaceMansourian, Ali Pilesjö, Petter Harrie, Lars van Lammeren, Ron Geospatial Technologies for All: Preface
12Kartografi och geovisualiseringRystedt, Bengt Stigmar, Hanna Harrie, Lars Arnberg, Wolter Kartografi och geovisualisering
13Sharing building information from planning to maintenance ph...Sun, Jing Eriksson, Helen Harrie, Lars Jensen, Anna Sharing building information from planning to maintenance ph...
14KvalitetsaspekterWasström, Christina Lönnberg, Gunhild Harrie, Lars Harrie, Lars Kvalitetsaspekter
15KvalitetsaspekterWasström, Christina Lönnberg, Gunhild Harrie, Lars Harrie, Lars Kvalitetsaspekter
16KvalitetsaspekterWasström, Christina Lönnberg, Gunhild Harrie, Lars Harrie, Lars Kvalitetsaspekter
17Några utvecklingstendenser inom geografisk informationsbeha...Harrie, Lars Eklundh, Lars Några utvecklingstendenser inom geografisk informationsbeha...
18Determination of green phytomass in a northern boreal forest...Eklundh, Lars Harrie, Lars Determination of green phytomass in a northern boreal forest...
19Geografiska informationssystem - användning idag och utveck...Eklundh, Lars Harrie, Lars Olsson, Lennart Geografiska informationssystem - användning idag och utveck...
20Insamling av geografiska dataEklundh, Lars Ågren, Jonas, 1967- Olsson, Håkan Harrie, Lars Insamling av geografiska data
21Investigating relationships between Landsat ETM+ sensor data...Eklundh, Lars Harrie, Lars Kuusk, Andres Investigating relationships between Landsat ETM+ sensor data...
22Introduktion till geografisk informationsbehandlingHarrie, L. Eklundh, L. Harrie, Lars Introduktion till geografisk informationsbehandling
23Koordinatsystem, kartprojektioner och referenssystemHauska, Hans Harrie, Lars Eklundh, Lars Koordinatsystem, kartprojektioner och referenssystem
24Unbroken Digital Data Flow In The Built Environment Process ...Olsson, Per-Ola Johansson, Tim Eriksson, Helen Lithen, Thomas Unbroken Digital Data Flow In The Built Environment Process ...
25Sveriges utsläpp måste minska nu, regeringen : 531 forskar...Skelton, Alasdair Nicholas, Kimberly Olsson, Lennart Alcer, David Sveriges utsläpp måste minska nu, regeringen : 531 forskar...
26Higher-degree Reference Field in the Generalized Stokes-Helm...Vanicek, Peter Najafi, M Martinec, Zdenek Harrie, Lars Higher-degree Reference Field in the Generalized Stokes-Helm...
27Usability testing of legibility constraintsHarrie, Lars Stigmar, Hanna Usability testing of legibility constraints
28A case study of combined text and icon placementHarrie, Lars Zhang, Qingnian Ringberg, Peter A case study of combined text and icon placement
29A Case Study of Simultaneous GeneralisationHarrie, LarsA Case Study of Simultaneous Generalisation
30A Mapping Function for Variable-Scale Maps in Small-Display ...Harrie, Lars Sarjakoski, Tiina Lehto, Lassi A Mapping Function for Variable-Scale Maps in Small-Display ...
31A Prototype System for Propagating Updates between Cartograp...Harrie, Lars Hellström, Anna-Karin A Prototype System for Propagating Updates between Cartograp...
32An Algorithm for Icon Placement on a Real-Time MapHarrie, Lars Stigmar, Hanna Koivula, Tommi Lehto, Lassi An Algorithm for Icon Placement on a Real-Time Map
33An evaluation of measures for quantifying map informationHarrie, Lars Stigmar, Hanna An evaluation of measures for quantifying map information
34An Optimisation Approach to Cartographic GeneralisationHarrie, LarsAn Optimisation Approach to Cartographic Generalisation
35Analytical Estimation of Map ReadabilityHarrie, Lars Stigmar, Hanna Djordjevic, Milan Analytical Estimation of Map Readability
36Användning av geografiska informationssystem inom vägplane...Harrie, Lars Pilesjö, Petter Asserup, Per Moskvitina, M Användning av geografiska informationssystem inom vägplane...
37Cartographic quality issues of view services in geoportalsHarrie, Lars Mustiere, Sebastien Stigmar, Hanna Cartographic quality issues of view services in geoportals
38En Optimeringsmetod för Kartografisk GeneraliseringHarrie, LarsEn Optimeringsmetod för Kartografisk Generalisering
39Generalisation Methods for Propagating Updates between Carto...Harrie, LarsGeneralisation Methods for Propagating Updates between Carto...
40Generalisation of vector data sets by simultaneous least squ...Harrie, Lars Sarjakoski, Tapani Generalisation of vector data sets by simultaneous least squ...

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