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1Cartilage ImagingThomas M. Link2011-04-06This authoritative book provides state-of-the-art practices ...ISBN-13:1441984380
2Lloyd’s Register of Yachts 1962Lloyd's Register Foundation1962-01-01The Lloyd’s Register of Yachts was first issued in 1878, a...
3Lloyd’s Register of Yachts 1963Lloyd's Register Foundation1963-01-01The Lloyd’s Register of Yachts was first issued in 1878, a...
4Author CatalogLibrary of Congress1953OCLC:222254952
5ScandinavicaElias Bredsdorff1999IND:30000080825650
6Our Fathers' GodsagaViktor Rydberg2003-11An epic introduction to Norse mythology for students of all ...ISBN-13:0595299784
7Viking RusWladyslaw Duczko2004-01-01This book offers a detailed survey of the history and cultur...ISBN-13:9004138749
8Handbook of Drug-Nutrient InteractionsJoseph I. Boullata2010-03-17Handbook of Drug-Nutrient Interactions, Second Edition is an...ISBN-13:160327362X
9Research of Pathogenesis and Novel Therapeutics in Arthritis...Chih-Hsin Tang2019-06-04Arthritis has a high prevalence globally and includes over 1...ISBN-13:3038970654
10Principles of OsteoarthritisBruce M. Rothschild2012-02-22This volume addresses the nature of the most common form of ...ISBN-13:9789535100638
11A Nation TransformedAlan Houston2001-08-20A Nation Transformed is a major collection of essays by a mi...ISBN-13:9780521802529
12A concise Swedish grammarÅke Viberg2005ISBN-13:9789127502529
13Die Philosophie des RechtsStahl1878UBBE:UBBE-00063135
14Nutrition and Health in Developing CountriesRichard David Semba2001-04-25The Nutrition and Health series of books have, as an overrid...ISBN-13:1592592252
15Brain Mechanisms of SleepDennis J. McGinty1985UOM:39015007121877
16My Son on the GalleyJacob Wallenberg1994A classic account of a journey from Scandinavia to the Far E...UCAL:B4159564
17Libraries in ScandinaviaKenneth Cecil Harrison1961UCAL:B4055444
18Redesigning EnglishSharon Goodman1996The rapid development of communications technology is transf...ISBN-13:0415131235
19Memoir of Benjamin, Lord BloomfieldBenjamin Bloomfield Bloomfield (1st baron)1884Deals mainly with Lord Bloomfield's life in Sweden, Norway a...STANFORD:36105014867050
20The Creation of the Modern WorldRoy Porter2000From a critically acclaimed author comes an engagingly writt...ISBN-13:9780393048728
21The Discourse of AdvertisingGuy Cook2001This second edition considers advertising in the context of ...ISBN-13:9780415234559
22Cursus Der InstitutionenGeorg Friedrich Puchta2015-10-03This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally ...ISBN-13:9781343875579
23An Essay on the Romance of William and the WerwolfIsaac Asklöf1872OXFORD:555066602
24Translanguaging with Multilingual StudentsOfelia García2016-06-10Looking closely at what happens when translanguaging is acti...ISBN-13:1317442369
25Words in AdsGreg Myers1994Advertisements are an element of popular culture we genuinel...ISBN-13:9780340614440
26Developing Communicative Competence in a Second LanguageRobin C. Scarcella1990UOM:39015024894829
27Gustavian OperaInger Mattsson1991STANFORD:36105001869713
28Sveriges statskalender1984UIUC:30112125175312
29Choral Music PerspectivesLennart Reimers1993ISBN-13:9789185428793
30The Multilingual Edge of EducationPiet Van Avermaet2018-01-18This book highlights the need to develop new educational per...ISBN-13:9781137548559
31Suburban StrainsPaul Todd1982Caroline marries an unemployed actor, Kevin, whom she suppor...UOM:39015049762118
32Svensk bokhandel1959MINN:31951001295219J
33Archaeological Researches in Costa RicaHartman Hartman2022-10-27This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally ...ISBN-13:9781017434743
34Reading in Secondary Content AreasZhihui Fang2008What does it mean to teach reading in the context of the mid...ISBN-13:9780472032792
35Parliamentary Libraries of the Nordic Countries and the Othe...2000OCLC:1400734130
36Musik i NordenGreger Andersson1997STANFORD:36105024848942

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