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1LeadershipAndrew J. DuBrin2016ISBN-13:9781473732131
2LeadershipAndrew J. DuBrin2007ISBN-13:9780618771332
3Leadership ResourcesCenter for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, NC.2000This guide provides over 300 pages of resources suggested by...1529742X
4LeadershipCraig E. Johnson2018-01-26Leadership: A Communication Perspective has been at the fore...ISBN-13:1478637072
5After LeadershipBrigid Carroll2018-09-17Leadership studies today resembles a bewildering diversity o...ISBN-13:1351615335
6Evidence-Based Leadership, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship ...Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk, PhD, APRN-CNP, FAANP, FNAP, FAAN2024-03-15Delivers the tools for a new generation of nurse leaders to ...ISBN-13:0826160727
7Cases in LeadershipW. Glenn Rowe2012-04-04Cases in Leadership, Third Edition is a unique collection of...ISBN-13:1452234973
8GeNeDis 2016Panayiotis Vlamos2017-10-01The 2nd World Congress on Geriatrics and Neurodegenerative D...ISBN-13:3319562460
9Knowledge Transfer and InnovationNory B. Jones2018-03-20This book demonstrates how managers can use and transfer kno...ISBN-13:1351778234
10Proactive Personality and Behavior for Individual and Organi...Andrew J DuBrin2013-12-27This comprehensive book describes how proactive behavior, dr...ISBN-13:1782549358
11Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and SkillsAndrew DuBrin2009-02-03Perfect for instructors who take a practical, skill-building...ISBN-13:9780547143965
12The Perfect Human Capital StormEdwin Mouriño2017-04-01There are numerous trends taking place around the world and ...ISBN-13:1681238691
13Political Leadership in the European UnionIngeborg Tömmel2018-12-07The challenges that have been facing the European Union in r...ISBN-13:1351183524
14Passion killers: The art of passion killing in the age of st...Phillip Walden Bowen2021-09-07There is growing pressure and stress placed on organisations...ISBN-13:1648893171
15Leadership Research Findings, Practice And Skills, 2008 Edit...Andrew J. Dubrin2008-02The present book takes a practical, skill-building approach ...ISBN-13:9788177227659
16Organizational CommunicationDennis K. Mumby2018-11-29While traditional in its coverage of the major research trad...ISBN-13:1544357532
17Customer ServiceRobert W. Lucas2009"Customer Service, 4/e" by Lucas features how-to topics for ...ISBN-13:9780071277501
18ICMLG2016-4th International Conference on Management, Leader...Dmitry Vasilenko and Natalia KhazievaISBN-13:1910810843
19Leadership in OrganizationsGary A. Yukl2010This book is about leadership in organizations. The primary ...ISBN-13:9780138157142
20Guide to Nursing Management and LeadershipAnn Marriner-Tomey2009Now revised and updated to include the latest strategies for...ISBN-13:9780323052382
21Students’ Quality CirclesDinesh P. Chapagain2022-07-13This book explains what Students' Quality Circles (SQC) are,...ISBN-13:9811910804
22Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, Skills Fourth Editi...Andrew J. DubrinIn keeping with the text s increased emphasis on interperson...ISBN-13:9788177225716
23Human Resource Management: Strategy and PracticeAlan R. Nankervis2016-09-15In its 9th edition, AHRI-endorsed Human Resource Management ...ISBN-13:0170369862
24Leadership Development in Emerging Market EconomiesAlexandre Ardichvili2017-01-01This edited volume provides an overview of the current state...ISBN-13:1137580038
25Innovative Pathways for University Entrepreneurship in the 2...Donald F. Kuratko2014-05-23The complex global environment for entrepreneurship has expe...ISBN-13:1783504978
26Management and Leadership for Nurse AdministratorsLinda Roussel2016Management and Leadership for Nurse Administrators, Seventh ...ISBN-13:1284067629
27Guide to Nursing Management and LeadershipAnn Marriner-Tomey2000This well-respected text teaches nursing students about lead...UOM:39015048833787
28LeadershipAndrew J. DuBrin2012Leadership: 2nd Asia-Pacific Edition offers a balanced appro...ISBN-13:9780170227506
29The PrincipalGerald C. Ubben2004This text is organized around the ISLLC Standards and provid...UVA:X004701314
30Transformational LeadershipBernard M. Bass2006-08-15Transformational Leadership, Second Edition is intended for ...ISBN-13:1135618887
31MODEL DAN GAYA KEPEMIMPINANDr. I Putu Suiraoka, S.ST., M.Kes2023-10-16Kepemimpinan merupakan aspek yang sangat penting dalam berba...ISBN-13:6238382449
32Principles of LeadershipAndrew J. DuBrin2012-03-01PRINCIPLES OF LEADERSHIP, 7E, International Edition helps yo...ISBN-13:9781133435297
33Creative LeadershipGerard J. Puccio2010-12-09This book demonstrates how creative thinking is an essential...ISBN-13:1412977576
34An Introduction to Group Work PracticeRonald W. Toseland2011-11-21This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include an...ISBN-13:0205892752
35The Leadership ChallengeJames M. Kouzes2017-03-30The most trusted source of leadership wisdom, updated to add...ISBN-13:111927897X
36Practicing Positive LeadershipKim Cameron2013-09-02A Guide to Going beyond Success Plenty of research has been ...ISBN-13:1609949730
37Managing Customer Experience and RelationshipsDon Peppers2022-04-19Every business on the planet is trying to maximize the value...ISBN-13:1119815347
38Avances de investigación de las organizaciones con un enfoq...Hernández Herrera, Claudia Alejandra2023-02-09El libro Avances de Investigación de las Organizaciones con...ISBN-13:8490524890
39School, Family, and Community PartnershipsJoyce L. Epstein2018-07-19Strengthen programs of family and community engagement to pr...ISBN-13:1483320014
40Managing Business EthicsLinda K. Trevino2016-09-13Revised edition of the authors' Managing business ethics, [2...ISBN-13:111919430X

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