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1The Debian Administrator's HandbookRaphaël Hertzog2015-10-21Debian GNU/Linux, a very popular non-commercial Linux distri...9791091414050
2The Debian Administrator's Handbook20209791091414203
3The Debian Administrator's Handbook, Debian Wheezy from Disc...Raphaël Hertzog2014-06-18Accessible to all, this book teaches the essentials to anyon...9791091414029
4UNIX and Linux System Administration HandbookEvi Nemeth2017-09-14“As an author, editor, and publisher, I never paid much at...ISBN-13:0134278291
5Linux Administration HandbookEvi Nemeth2006-10-30“As this book shows, Linux systems are just as functional,...ISBN-13:0137002750
6Linux Network Administrator's GuideOlaf Kirch2000This introduction to networking on Linux now covers firewall...ISBN-13:9781565924000
7Learning Debian GNU/LinuxBill McCarty1999A guide to the Debian 2.1 distribution of Linux demonstrates...ISBN-13:9781565927056
8Red Hat Enterprise Linux Troubleshooting GuideBenjamin Cane2015-10-19Identify, capture and resolve common issues faced by Red Hat...ISBN-13:1785287877
9Linux System AdministrationTom Adelstein2007-03-27This guide provides a solid background for Linux desktop use...ISBN-13:0596009526
10Kali Linux RevealedRaphaël Hertzog2017-06-05Whether you're a veteran or an absolute n00b, this is the be...ISBN-13:9780997615609
11XenServer Administration HandbookTim Mackey2016-04-05Packed with practical advice, this hands-on guide provides v...ISBN-13:1491935413
12Unix System Administration HandbookEvi Nemeth2001Now covers Red Hat Linux! Written by Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyde...UOM:39015055857315
13Linux Networking CookbookCarla Schroder2007-11-26This soup-to-nuts collection of recipes covers everything yo...ISBN-13:0596553692
14Linux Basics for HackersOccupyTheWeb2018-12-04This practical, tutorial-style book uses the Kali Linux dist...ISBN-13:1593278551
15Slamming SpamRobert Haskins2005Offers sys admins vital help in managing spam and keeping it...UOM:39015059230410
16Linux Service Management Made Easy with systemdDonald A. Tevault2022-02-03A comprehensive guide for teaching system administrators, de...ISBN-13:1801815038
17MySQL 8 Administrator’s GuideChintan Mehta2018-02-15Step by step guide to monitor, manage, and secure your datab...ISBN-13:1788393848
18Mastering Linux AdministrationAlexandru Calcatinge2021-06-18Develop advanced skills for working with Linux systems on-pr...ISBN-13:178995360X
19Mastering Linux Network AdministrationJay LaCroix2015-11-03Master the skills and techniques that are required to design...ISBN-13:1784390682
20Making Servers Work2020-03-30This book highlights practical sysadmin skills, common archi...ISBN-13:0999773046
21The Linux Cookbook, 2nd EditionMichael Stutz2004Provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the compute...ISBN-13:1593270313
22Pro Linux System AdministrationDennis Matotek2017-03-14Implement a SOHO or SMB Linux infrastructure to expand your ...ISBN-13:1484220080
23The Practice of System and Network AdministrationThomas A. Limoncelli2016-10-25With 28 new chapters, the third edition of The Practice of S...ISBN-13:0133415104
24Linux Administration CookbookAdam K. Dean2018-12-31Over 100 recipes to get up and running with the modern Linux...ISBN-13:1789340284
25A Practical Guide to Ubuntu LinuxMark G. Sobell2011The Most Complete, Easy-to-Follow Guide to Ubuntu Linux The ...ISBN-13:013254248X
26Mastering Linux System AdministrationChristine Bresnahan2021-06-29Achieve Linux system administration mastery with time-tested...ISBN-13:1119794463
27AWS Administration – The Definitive GuideYohan Wadia2016-02-12Learn to design, build, and manage your infrastructure on th...ISBN-13:1782173765
28R MarkdownYihui Xie2018-07-27R Markdown: The Definitive Guide is the first official book ...ISBN-13:0429782969
29Essential System AdministrationÆleen Frisch2002-08-23Essential System Administration,3rd Edition is the definitiv...ISBN-13:0596550499
30Red Hat Linux Security and OptimizationMohammed J. Kabir2002CD-ROM contains: Book chapters in searchable PDF format -- S...UVA:X004588965
31Linux Pocket GuideDaniel J. Barrett2004-02-18O'Reilly's Pocket Guides have earned a reputation as inexpen...ISBN-13:1449379001
32The Official Samba-3 HOWTO and Reference GuideJohn H. Terpstra2004A guide to the features of Samba-3 provides step-by-step ins...ISBN-13:9780131453555
33Linux in a NutshellEllen Siever2005Over the last few years, Linux has grown both as an operatin...ISBN-13:059652949X
34Linux TCP/IP Network AdministrationScott Mann2002Definitive guide to implementing, managing and troubleshooti...ISBN-13:9780130322203
35Linux BibleChristopher Negus2012-09-07More than 50 percent new and revised content for today's Lin...ISBN-13:1118282876
36LaTeX Beginner's GuideStefan Kottwitz2011-03-21Create high-quality and professional-looking texts, articles...ISBN-13:1847199879
37ApacheBen Laurie2003Describes the history of the Web server platform and covers ...ISBN-13:0596002033
38Mastering Linux Security and HardeningDonald A. Tevault2020-02-21A comprehensive guide to securing your Linux system against ...ISBN-13:1838983597
39The Linux Command Line, 2nd EditionWilliam Shotts2019-03-05You've experienced the shiny, point-and-click surface of you...ISBN-13:1593279531
40CCNA Routing and Switching Complete Review GuideTodd Lammle2016-12-13Cisco has announced big changes to its certification program...ISBN-13:1119288371

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