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1OTIPM Occupational Therapy Intervention Process ModelBarbara Dehnhardt,2022-05-09Die Sichtweise und Ziele des Klienten zu respektieren und zu...ISBN-13:3824813025
2Using Occupational Therapy Models in Practice E-BookMerrill June Turpin2023-06-17Occupational therapy (OT) models provide a structured way of...ISBN-13:0323880703
3Occupation-Centred Practice with ChildrenSylvia Rodger2017-05-30Occupation-Centred Practice with Children remains the only o...ISBN-13:1119057620
4Perspectives on Human OccupationsJim Hinojosa2017-04-21Explore OT from multiple perspectives…from theory to pract...ISBN-13:0803659199
5Stroke Rehabilitation E-BookGlen Gillen2020-09-13- NEW! Revised and expanded content keeps you up to date on ...ISBN-13:0323639968
6Stroke RehabilitationGlen Gillen, EdD, OTR, FAOTA2015-08-12Learn to confidently manage the growing number of stroke reh...ISBN-13:0323172814
7Foundations for Practice in Occupational Therapy E-BOOKEdward A. S. Duncan2020-05-22Now in its sixth edition, the internationally acclaimed Foun...ISBN-13:0702077496
8Occupational Therapy Intervention Process ModelAnne G. Fisher2009Med bidrag fra Lou Ann GriswoldISBN-13:9780977430154
9Implementing Occupation-centred PracticeKarina Dancza2018-04-19This practical text supports occupational therapy students a...ISBN-13:1315297396
11Foundations for Practice in Occupational TherapyEdward A. S. Duncan2012"A practical reference tool which is both a guide to undergr...ISBN-13:9780702053122
12A Dictionary of Occupational Science and Occupational Therap...Matthew Molineux2017-03-23Including over 600 A to Z entries, this original dictionary ...ISBN-13:0192529315
13Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and ProcessAota2014As occupational therapy celebrates its centennial in 2017, a...ISBN-13:9781569003619
14Occupation Centred Practice with ChildrenSylvia Rodger2013-05-20This book draws on contemporary occupational therapy theory ...ISBN-13:111869709X
15Occupational Performance Model (Australia)Christine Chapparo1997The purpose of this monograph is to introduce the Occupation...ISBN-13:9780909353957
16The Kawa ModelMichael K. Iwama2006-07-28A landmark publication in occupational therapy and a signifi...ISBN-13:0443102341
17Pediatric Skills for Occupational Therapy AssistantsJean W. Solomon2006Incorporating the AOTA Practice Framework, the 2nd edition o...UOM:39015060546887
18Kinesiology Foundations for OTAsDaniel C. Snyder2007The human body is amazing: all structures work together to p...PSU:000063120400
19Enabling Occupation IIElizabeth A. Townsend2013ISBN-13:9781895437898
20Occupational Performance CoachingFiona Graham2020-06-02This book presents a definitive guide to understanding, appl...ISBN-13:0429618972
21Occupational Therapy for Older PeopleChristian Pozzi2020-01-31This book focuses on evidence-based occupational therapy in ...ISBN-13:3030357317
22A Model of Human Occupation2002Presenting the new edition of the text that delivers the mos...ISBN-13:9780781728003
23Foundations for Practice in Occupational TherapyRosemary Hagedorn2001A readable, jargon-free, introduction to the theories, model...ISBN-13:9780443064708
24Evaluation of Social InteractionAnne G. Fisher2018ISBN-13:9780998634500
25Creek's Occupational Therapy and Mental HealthWendy Bryant2014-06-17Now in its fifth edition, this seminal textbook for occupati...ISBN-13:0702049506
26Progress Gold AEva Hedencrona2003ISBN-13:9789144030043
27Canadian Occupational Performance MeasureMary Law1998Developed to help occupational therapists learn to use the C...ISBN-13:9781895437300
28Frames of Reference for Pediatric Occupational TherapyPaula Kramer2018-12-07Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers ...ISBN-13:1975140346
29Lifestyle PerformanceBeth P. Velde2002Lifestyle Performance presents the theoretical base, structu...ISBN-13:9781556424663
30Musculoskeletal ExaminationJeffrey M. Gross2015-04-13MUSCULOSKELETAL EXAMINATION Musculoskeletal Examination is a...ISBN-13:1118962745
31Hand FunctionMehmet Tuncay Duruöz2014-03-29Accurate assessment of hand function is critical to any trea...ISBN-13:1461494494
32韓國戰爭資料叢書: 美國中央情報局情報報告...國防軍事硏究所 (Korea)UCLA:L0084797323
33Sustainable Remediation of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater...Deyi Hou2019-11-23Sustainable Remediation of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater...ISBN-13:012817983X
34Handbook of Musculoskeletal Pain and Disability Disorders in...Robert J. Gatchel2014-05-08This book addresses the complexity of preventing, diagnosing...ISBN-13:1493906127
35Skills for Practice in Occupational TherapyEdward A. S. Duncan2011-12-02This book is the companion volume to Duncan: FOUNDATIONS FOR...ISBN-13:0702050644
36Introduction to Occupational TherapySusan Hussey2007-04ISBN-13:9780323062473
37Conceptual Foundations of Occupational Therapy PracticeGary Kielhofner2009-06-19PREPARE YOUR OT STUDENTS TO BECOME OT THINKERS. Thoroughly r...ISBN-13:0803623488
38Process Management in Design and ConstructionRachel Cooper2008-04-15To deliver a construction project on time, at cost and of ap...ISBN-13:0470680482
39International Handbook of Occupational Therapy Interventions...Ingrid Söderback2014-11-25Advanced therapies and technologies, new service delivery me...ISBN-13:3319081411
40Design for Tomorrow—Volume 2Amaresh Chakrabarti2021-05-28This book showcases cutting-edge research papers from the 8t...ISBN-13:9789811601187
1OTIPM [Elektronisk resurs] en modell för ett professionellt...Fisher, Anne G.2014OTIPM [Elektronisk resurs] en modell för ett professionellt...
2OTIPM : en modell för ett professionellt resonemang som fr...Fisher, Anne G., 1946-2007OTIPM : en modell för ett professionellt resonemang som fr...
3OTIPM : en modell för ett professionellt resonemang som fr...Fisher, Anne G., 1946-2008OTIPM : en modell för ett professionellt resonemang som fr...
4OTIPM : en modell för ett professionellt resonemang som fr...Fisher, Anne G., 1946-2011OTIPM : en modell för ett professionellt resonemang som fr...
5Dagliga aktiviteter bland äldre personer med kronisk hjärt...Norberg, Eva-Britt, 1956-2014Dagliga aktiviteter bland äldre personer med kronisk hjärt...
6Dagliga aktiviteter bland äldre personer med kronisk hjärt...Norberg, Eva-Britt, 1956-2014Dagliga aktiviteter bland äldre personer med kronisk hjärt...
7Vardagslivets Rehabilitering – Del A: Modellverksamhet fö...Lindström, Maria2007Vardagslivets Rehabilitering – Del A: Modellverksamhet fö...
8En process för utveckling av hållbar evidensbaserad arbets...Sirkka, Marianne Arbetsterapiforum 2017, Malmö, 10-11 maj 2017 2017En process för utveckling av hållbar evidensbaserad arbets...
9Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av förbättringsarbete [Elek...Sirkka, Marianne Arbetsterapiforum 2017, Malmö, 10-11 maj 2017 2017Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av förbättringsarbete [Elek...
1OTIPM : en modell för ett professionellt resonemang som fr...Fisher, Anne G. Nyman, Anneli OTIPM : en modell för ett professionellt resonemang som fr...
2OTIPM : en modell för ett professionellt resonemang som fr...Fisher, Anne G. Nyman, Anneli OTIPM : en modell för ett professionellt resonemang som fr...
3Dagliga aktiviteter bland äldre personer med kronisk hjärt...Norberg, Eva-Britt, 1956- Löfgren, Britta, Lektor Boman, Kurt Wennberg, Patrik Dagliga aktiviteter bland äldre personer med kronisk hjärt...
4Vardagslivets Rehabilitering – Del A: Modellverksamhet fö...Lindström, MariaVardagslivets Rehabilitering – Del A: Modellverksamhet fö...
5A process for developing sustainable evidence-based occupati...Sirkka, Marianne Zingmark, Karin Larsson-Lund, Maria A process for developing sustainable evidence-based occupati...
6En process för utveckling av hållbar evidensbaserad arbets...Sirkka, Marianne Zingmark, Karin Larsson-Lund, Maria En process för utveckling av hållbar evidensbaserad arbets...
7Hållbart förbättringsarbete med fokus på arbetsterapi oc...Sirkka, Marianne Wressle, Ewa, Docent Hållbart förbättringsarbete med fokus på arbetsterapi oc...
8Occupation-centred, occupation-based, occupation-focused : s...Fisher, Anne G., 1946-Occupation-centred, occupation-based, occupation-focused : s...
9Occupation-centred, occupation-based, occupation-focused : S...Fisher, Anne G., 1946-Occupation-centred, occupation-based, occupation-focused : S...
10Participation and occupation in occupational therapy models ...Larsson-Lund, Maria Nyman, Anneli Participation and occupation in occupational therapy models ...
11A client-centred programme focusing energy conservation for ...Norberg, Eva-Britt Löfgren, Britta Boman, Kurt Wennberg, Patrik A client-centred programme focusing energy conservation for ...
12Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av förbättringsarbete : en ...Sirkka, Marianne Larsson-Lund, Maria Zingmark, Karin Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av förbättringsarbete : en ...

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