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1Starting Strong III A Quality Toolbox for Early Childhood Ed...OECD2011-12-16This publication focuses on quality issues in early childhoo...ISBN-13:9264123563
2Quality Matters in Early Childhood Education and Care: New Z...Taguma Miho2012-08-02This book focuses on quality issues in early childhood educa...ISBN-13:9264176691
3Nordic Families, Children and Early Childhood EducationSusanne Garvis2019-06-06Largely as a result of social policies and cultural factors,...ISBN-13:3030168662
4Early Childhood Education for SustainabilityJulie M. DavisISBN-13:9819784050
5Quality Matters in Early Childhood Education and Care: Swede...Taguma Miho2013-02-05This book focuses on quality issues in early childhood educa...ISBN-13:9264176748
6Quality Matters in Early Childhood Education and Care: Norwa...Taguma Miho2013-01-02This book focuses on quality issues in early childhood educa...ISBN-13:9264176713
7Quality Matters in Early Childhood Education and Care: Portu...Taguma Miho2012-07-27This book focuses on quality issues in early childhood educa...ISBN-13:9264176721
8Learning Spaces for Inclusion and Social JusticeLars Anders Kulbrandstad2019-01-15This edited volume emanates from a Nordic research project w...ISBN-13:1527525546
9An Introduction to Early ChildhoodTim Waller2014-04-23Put together by an outstanding author team, including many a...ISBN-13:1473905117
10Becoming PedagogueLiselott Mariett Olsson2023-03-31Returning to the origins of education, Becoming Pedagogue ex...ISBN-13:1315461757
11Starting Strong V Transitions from Early Childhood Education...OECD2017-06-21The transition from early childhood education to primary sch...ISBN-13:9264276254
12Parental Engagement and Early Childhood Education Around the...Susanne Garvis2021-12-23Exploring the importance of parental engagement in early chi...ISBN-13:1000508145
13Quality Matters in Early Childhood Education and Care: Korea...Taguma Miho2012-04-25This book focuses on quality issues in early childhood educa...ISBN-13:9264175644
14Connecting Disciplinary Literacy and Digital Storytelling in...Haas, Leslie2021-01-15The idea of storytelling goes beyond the borders of language...ISBN-13:1799857719
15Childhoods in More Just WorldsTimothy Kinard2021-10-29A 2023 SPE Outstanding Book Honorable Mention Those who are ...ISBN-13:1975504135
16Empowering Early Childhood EducatorsNaomi McLeod2019-06-05This forward-thinking text challenges educators to think abo...ISBN-13:1351387812
17Teknik i förskolan – att motverka traditionella könsroll...Johan Boström2018-12-18This study shows that developing a gender sensitive technolo...ISBN-13:9176853071
18The Education Systems of EuropeWolfgang Hörner2007-05-03This unique handbook offers an analytical review of the educ...ISBN-13:1402048742
19Marginalized MasculinitiesChris Haywood2017-04-07This volume explores how men in precarious positions in diff...ISBN-13:1351858696
20Challenging Democracy in Early Childhood EducationValerie Margrain2019-07-15This book explores how concepts and values of contemporary d...ISBN-13:9811377715
21A New Deal for Children?Bronwen Cohen2004-06-02In England, Scotland and Sweden, early childhood, education ...ISBN-13:1861345283
22Starting Strong II Early Childhood Education and CareOECD2006-09-14This review of early childhood education and care (ECEC) in ...ISBN-13:926403546X
23International Perspectives On Early Childhood Education And ...Georgeson, Jan2013-02-01There is a growing interest in understanding how early years...ISBN-13:0335245919
24Montessoripedagogik i förskolan - en god startSvenska Montessoriförbundet Svenska Montessoriförbundet2023-06-12Denna kunskapsplan, utgiven av Svenska Montessoriförbundet,...ISBN-13:9180078451
25Quality Matters in Early Childhood Education and Care: Czech...Taguma Miho2012-04-19This series of country reports focuses on quality issues in ...ISBN-13:9264176519
26Early Childhood EducationMoncrieff Cochran2007-01-30Early childhood education has reached a level of unprecedent...ISBN-13:0313014485
27Early Childhood PedagogiesJane Murray2018-12-07Diverse international perspectives on the ways in which youn...ISBN-13:1315473518
28Pedagogies of Educational TransitionsNadine Ballam2016-10-04This book presents the latest research on educational transi...ISBN-13:3319431188
29"Det ser lite olika ut- "Sverige. Aktionsgruppen för barnkultur2006ISBN-13:9789138225660
30Norm-strugglesLena Martinsson2010-02-19Norm-Struggles explores and challenges normativity in genera...ISBN-13:1443820512
31Embedding STEAM in Early Childhood Education and CareCaroline Cohrssen2021-05-28This book approaches STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering...ISBN-13:3030656241
32Assessment and Documentation in Early Childhood EducationMaarit Alasuutari2014-01-21Documentation in early childhood education is typically seen...ISBN-13:1317817079
33Barngruppens storlek i förskolan. Konsekvenser för utveckl...Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson2016-01-25Barngruppens storlek i förskolan är en komplex och omdebat...ISBN-13:9127146456
34Methodology for Research with Early Childhood Education and ...Cecilia Wallerstedt2022-11-28This open access book addresses the growing trend in the fie...ISBN-13:3031145836
35SOU 2004:115 Den könade förskolan - om betydelsen av jäms...2004ISBN-13:9789138322291
36Men, Masculinities and Teaching in Early Childhood Education...Simon Brownhill2015-06-26This stimulating book sets out to critically explore the not...ISBN-13:131763165X
37STEM Education Across the Learning ContinuumAmy MacDonald2020-02-18This is the first comprehensive book to consider STEM educat...ISBN-13:9811528217
38Strengthening Social Cohesion in KoreaOECD2013-03-14This report suggests policy options, based on the practices ...ISBN-13:9264188940
39Changing Stereotypes and Breaking Traditions: Gender Equalit...Alasaari, Nea2021-12-10Available online: A...ISBN-13:9289372036
40Mathematics Education in the Early YearsTamsin Meaney2016-01-22This book presents chapters based on papers presented at the...ISBN-13:331923935X
1Läroplan för förskolan, Lpfö 18 [Elektronisk resurs]ArrayLäroplan för förskolan, Lpfö 18 [Elektronisk resurs]
2Ny skollag och förtydligad läroplan för förskolan [Elekt...ArrayNy skollag och förtydligad läroplan för förskolan [Elekt...
3Förskolan är till för ditt barn. En broschyr om förskola...ArrayFörskolan är till för ditt barn. En broschyr om förskola...
1De yngsta barnens meningsskapande : om undervisningspraktike...Catucci, Ester, 1973-De yngsta barnens meningsskapande : om undervisningspraktike...

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