Träff | Bild | Titel | Författare (1st/rad) | Tryckt | Beskrivning | Identifiering |
Google Books |
1 |  | Regional Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Ap... | Management Association, Information Resources | 2012-04-30 | From domestic to international settings, aid and assistance ... | ISBN-13:1466608838 |
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 APAResources, M.A.I. (2012-04-30). Regional Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. {Stad}: Political Science HarvardResources, Management Association, Information (2012-04-30). Regional Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. {Stad}: Political Science OxfordResources, ManagementAssociation,Information, Regional Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Political Science, {Stad}, 2012-04-30 VancouverResources MAI. Regional Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. {Stad}: Political Science; 2012-04-30.

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2 |  | Competition, Strategy, and Modern Enterprise Information Sys... | Tavana, Madjid | 2012-11-30 | "This book provides extensive coverage on the organizational... | ISBN-13:1466624655 |
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 APAMadjid, T. (2012-11-30). Competition, Strategy, and Modern Enterprise Information Systems. {Stad}: Business & Economics HarvardMadjid, Tavana, (2012-11-30). Competition, Strategy, and Modern Enterprise Information Systems. {Stad}: Business & Economics OxfordMadjid, Tavana,, Competition, Strategy, and Modern Enterprise Information Systems, Business & Economics, {Stad}, 2012-11-30 VancouverMadjid T. Competition, Strategy, and Modern Enterprise Information Systems. {Stad}: Business & Economics; 2012-11-30.

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3 |  | Sustainable Policy Applications for Social Ecology and Devel... | Carayannis, Elias G. | 2012-05-31 | Social ecology is a philosophy rooted in deep-seated social ... | ISBN-13:1466615877 |
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 APAG., C.E. (2012-05-31). Sustainable Policy Applications for Social Ecology and Development. {Stad}: Technology & Engineering HarvardG., Carayannis, Elias (2012-05-31). Sustainable Policy Applications for Social Ecology and Development. {Stad}: Technology & Engineering OxfordG., Carayannis,Elias, Sustainable Policy Applications for Social Ecology and Development, Technology & Engineering, {Stad}, 2012-05-31 VancouverG. CE. Sustainable Policy Applications for Social Ecology and Development. {Stad}: Technology & Engineering; 2012-05-31.

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4 |  | Knowledge Creation, Diffusion, and Use in Innovation Network... | Elias G. Carayannis | 2006 | In the 21st century, intangible resources such as knowledge ... | STANFORD:36105114548139 |
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 APACarayannis, E.G. & Campbell, D. (2006). Knowledge Creation, Diffusion, and Use in Innovation Networks and Knowledge Clusters. {Stad}: Business & Economics HarvardCarayannis, Elias G. & Campbell, David (2006). Knowledge Creation, Diffusion, and Use in Innovation Networks and Knowledge Clusters. {Stad}: Business & Economics OxfordCarayannis, EliasG. & Campbell, David, Knowledge Creation, Diffusion, and Use in Innovation Networks and Knowledge Clusters, Business & Economics, {Stad}, 2006 VancouverCarayannis EG, Campbell D. Knowledge Creation, Diffusion, and Use in Innovation Networks and Knowledge Clusters. {Stad}: Business & Economics; 2006.

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5 |  | The Use of Force in International Relations | Hans Köchler | 2006 | | ISBN-13:3900704236 |
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 APAKöchler, H. (2006). The Use of Force in International Relations. {Stad}: Military policy HarvardKöchler, Hans (2006). The Use of Force in International Relations. {Stad}: Military policy OxfordKöchler, Hans, The Use of Force in International Relations, Military policy, {Stad}, 2006 VancouverKöchler H. The Use of Force in International Relations. {Stad}: Military policy; 2006.

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6 |  | Smart Quintuple Helix Innovation Systems | Elias G. Carayannis | 2018-11-21 | This volume examines the relationships among social ecology,... | ISBN-13:3030015173 |
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 APACarayannis, E.G. & Campbell, D.F.J. (2018-11-21). Smart Quintuple Helix Innovation Systems. {Stad}: Business & Economics HarvardCarayannis, Elias G. & Campbell, David F. J. (2018-11-21). Smart Quintuple Helix Innovation Systems. {Stad}: Business & Economics OxfordCarayannis, EliasG. & Campbell, DavidF.J., Smart Quintuple Helix Innovation Systems, Business & Economics, {Stad}, 2018-11-21 VancouverCarayannis EG, Campbell DFJ. Smart Quintuple Helix Innovation Systems. {Stad}: Business & Economics; 2018-11-21.

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7 |  | Brussels Versus the Beltway | Christine Mahoney | 2008-03-25 | This book presents the first large-scale study of lobbying s... | ISBN-13:1589012828 |
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 APAMahoney, C. (2008-03-25). Brussels Versus the Beltway. {Stad}: Political Science HarvardMahoney, Christine (2008-03-25). Brussels Versus the Beltway. {Stad}: Political Science OxfordMahoney, Christine, Brussels Versus the Beltway, Political Science, {Stad}, 2008-03-25 VancouverMahoney C. Brussels Versus the Beltway. {Stad}: Political Science; 2008-03-25.

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8 |  | Small States and EU Governance | S. Bunse | 2009-03-26 | Small States and EU Governance shows that the EU's rotating ... | ISBN-13:0230234348 |
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 APABunse, S. (2009-03-26). Small States and EU Governance. {Stad}: Political Science HarvardBunse, S. (2009-03-26). Small States and EU Governance. {Stad}: Political Science OxfordBunse, S., Small States and EU Governance, Political Science, {Stad}, 2009-03-26 VancouverBunse S. Small States and EU Governance. {Stad}: Political Science; 2009-03-26.

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9 |  | The EU and Counter-Terrorism | Javier Argomaniz | 2011-05-23 | This book offers a theoretically informed analysis of how co... | ISBN-13:1135169497 |
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 APAArgomaniz, J. (2011-05-23). The EU and Counter-Terrorism. {Stad}: History HarvardArgomaniz, Javier (2011-05-23). The EU and Counter-Terrorism. {Stad}: History OxfordArgomaniz, Javier, The EU and Counter-Terrorism, History, {Stad}, 2011-05-23 VancouverArgomaniz J. The EU and Counter-Terrorism. {Stad}: History; 2011-05-23.

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10 |  | International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Lite... | | 2003 | | STANFORD:36105121638089 |
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 APA{Författare}. (2003). International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature Chiefly in the Fields of Arts and Humanities and the Social Sciences. {Stad}: Books Harvard{Författare}. (2003). International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature Chiefly in the Fields of Arts and Humanities and the Social Sciences. {Stad}: Books Oxford{Författare}. International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature Chiefly in the Fields of Arts and Humanities and the Social Sciences, Books, {Stad}, 2003 Vancouver{Författare}. International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature Chiefly in the Fields of Arts and Humanities and the Social Sciences. {Stad}: Books; 2003.

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11 |  | Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen wissenschaftlic... | | 2003 | | UOM:39015057989959 |
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 APA{Författare}. (2003). Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen wissenschaftlicher Literatur. {Stad}: Learning and scholarship Harvard{Författare}. (2003). Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen wissenschaftlicher Literatur. {Stad}: Learning and scholarship Oxford{Författare}. Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen wissenschaftlicher Literatur, Learning and scholarship, {Stad}, 2003 Vancouver{Författare}. Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen wissenschaftlicher Literatur. {Stad}: Learning and scholarship; 2003.

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12 |  | The New Economic Diplomacy | Dr Stephen Woolcock | 2013-04-28 | This third, fully updated edition of The New Economic Diplom... | ISBN-13:1409476480 |
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 APAWoolcock, D.S. & Bayne, S.N. (2013-04-28). The New Economic Diplomacy. {Stad}: Political Science HarvardWoolcock, Dr Stephen & Bayne, Sir Nicholas (2013-04-28). The New Economic Diplomacy. {Stad}: Political Science OxfordWoolcock, DrStephen & Bayne, SirNicholas, The New Economic Diplomacy, Political Science, {Stad}, 2013-04-28 VancouverWoolcock DS, Bayne SN. The New Economic Diplomacy. {Stad}: Political Science; 2013-04-28.

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13 |  | Out in Public | Ellen Lewin | 2009-05-04 | Out in Public addresses, and engages us in, the new and exci... | ISBN-13:1405191023 |
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 APALewin, E. & Leap, W.L. (2009-05-04). Out in Public. {Stad}: Social Science HarvardLewin, Ellen & Leap, William L. (2009-05-04). Out in Public. {Stad}: Social Science OxfordLewin, Ellen & Leap, WilliamL., Out in Public, Social Science, {Stad}, 2009-05-04 VancouverLewin E, Leap WL. Out in Public. {Stad}: Social Science; 2009-05-04.

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14 |  | Politics in the European Union | Ian Bache | 2011-02-17 | This is an account of the main developments in the process o... | ISBN-13:0199544816 |
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 APABache, I., George, S. & Bulmer, S. (2011-02-17). Politics in the European Union. {Stad}: Law HarvardBache, Ian , George, Stephen & Bulmer, Simon (2011-02-17). Politics in the European Union. {Stad}: Law OxfordBache, Ian, George, Stephen & Bulmer, Simon, Politics in the European Union, Law, {Stad}, 2011-02-17 VancouverBache I, George S, Bulmer S. Politics in the European Union. {Stad}: Law; 2011-02-17.

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15 |  | The European Union | Elizabeth E. Bomberg | 2008 | The book also features exhibits comparing the EU with other ... | ISBN-13:0199206392 |
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 APABomberg, E.E., Peterson, J. & Stubb, A.C. (2008). The European Union. {Stad}: Law HarvardBomberg, Elizabeth E. , Peterson, John & Stubb, Alexander C-G. (2008). The European Union. {Stad}: Law OxfordBomberg, ElizabethE., Peterson, John & Stubb, AlexanderC-G., The European Union, Law, {Stad}, 2008 VancouverBomberg EE, Peterson J, Stubb AC. The European Union. {Stad}: Law; 2008.

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16 |  | Transformation and European Integration | B. Dallago | 2006-07-13 | The Balkan countries have been looking for good examples and... | ISBN-13:0230377963 |
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 APADallago, B. (2006-07-13). Transformation and European Integration. {Stad}: Political Science HarvardDallago, B. (2006-07-13). Transformation and European Integration. {Stad}: Political Science OxfordDallago, B., Transformation and European Integration, Political Science, {Stad}, 2006-07-13 VancouverDallago B. Transformation and European Integration. {Stad}: Political Science; 2006-07-13.

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17 |  | Global Political Economy | John Ravenhill | 2017 | Global Political Economy offers a comprehensive introduction... | ISBN-13:0198737467 |
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 APARavenhill, J. (2017). Global Political Economy. {Stad}: Business & Economics HarvardRavenhill, John (2017). Global Political Economy. {Stad}: Business & Economics OxfordRavenhill, John, Global Political Economy, Business & Economics, {Stad}, 2017 VancouverRavenhill J. Global Political Economy. {Stad}: Business & Economics; 2017.

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18 |  | International Relations and the European Union | Christopher Hill | 2011-02-03 | This text explores the ways in which the European Union fram... | ISBN-13:0199544808 |
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 APAHill, C. & Smith, M. (2011-02-03). International Relations and the European Union. {Stad}: Language Arts & Disciplines HarvardHill, Christopher & Smith, Michael (2011-02-03). International Relations and the European Union. {Stad}: Language Arts & Disciplines OxfordHill, Christopher & Smith, Michael, International Relations and the European Union, Language Arts & Disciplines, {Stad}, 2011-02-03 VancouverHill C, Smith M. International Relations and the European Union. {Stad}: Language Arts & Disciplines; 2011-02-03.

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19 |  | A History of the FTAA | Marcel Nelson | 2015-02-19 | Providing a critical account of the collapse of the FTAA neg... | ISBN-13:1137412755 |
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 APANelson, M. (2015-02-19). A History of the FTAA. {Stad}: Political Science HarvardNelson, Marcel (2015-02-19). A History of the FTAA. {Stad}: Political Science OxfordNelson, Marcel, A History of the FTAA, Political Science, {Stad}, 2015-02-19 VancouverNelson M. A History of the FTAA. {Stad}: Political Science; 2015-02-19.

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20 |  | European Union | Duncan Watts | 2008-03-25 | The European Union is a distinctive creation. There have bee... | ISBN-13:0748632255 |
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 APAWatts, D. (2008-03-25). European Union. {Stad}: Law HarvardWatts, Duncan (2008-03-25). European Union. {Stad}: Law OxfordWatts, Duncan, European Union, Law, {Stad}, 2008-03-25 VancouverWatts D. European Union. {Stad}: Law; 2008-03-25.

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21 |  | American Book Publishing Record | | 2003 | | UOM:39015066043145 |
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 APA{Författare}. (2003). American Book Publishing Record. {Stad}: American literature Harvard{Författare}. (2003). American Book Publishing Record. {Stad}: American literature Oxford{Författare}. American Book Publishing Record, American literature, {Stad}, 2003 Vancouver{Författare}. American Book Publishing Record. {Stad}: American literature; 2003.

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22 |  | Understanding E.U. Policy Making | Raj S. Chari | 2006-08-20 | How are decisions made in the EU? | UOM:39015067659592 |
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 APAChari, R.S. & Kritzinger, S. (2006-08-20). Understanding E.U. Policy Making. {Stad}: History HarvardChari, Raj S. & Kritzinger, Sylvia (2006-08-20). Understanding E.U. Policy Making. {Stad}: History OxfordChari, RajS. & Kritzinger, Sylvia, Understanding E.U. Policy Making, History, {Stad}, 2006-08-20 VancouverChari RS, Kritzinger S. Understanding E.U. Policy Making. {Stad}: History; 2006-08-20.

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23 |  | A History of Eastern Europe | Robert Bideleux | 2007-09-12 | This welcome second edition of A History of Eastern Europe p... | ISBN-13:1134213190 |
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 APABideleux, R. & Jeffries, I. (2007-09-12). A History of Eastern Europe. {Stad}: History HarvardBideleux, Robert & Jeffries, Ian (2007-09-12). A History of Eastern Europe. {Stad}: History OxfordBideleux, Robert & Jeffries, Ian, A History of Eastern Europe, History, {Stad}, 2007-09-12 VancouverBideleux R, Jeffries I. A History of Eastern Europe. {Stad}: History; 2007-09-12.

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24 |  | The Government and Politics of the European Union | Neill Nugent | 2006 | A clear and comprehensive explanation of the historical deve... | ISBN-13:9780822338703 |
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 APANugent, N. (2006). The Government and Politics of the European Union. {Stad}: Law HarvardNugent, Neill (2006). The Government and Politics of the European Union. {Stad}: Law OxfordNugent, Neill, The Government and Politics of the European Union, Law, {Stad}, 2006 VancouverNugent N. The Government and Politics of the European Union. {Stad}: Law; 2006.

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25 |  | Britain in the European Union Today | Duncan Watts | 2005-11-29 | This book offers an introduction to the European Union and a... | ISBN-13:9780719071799 |
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 APAWatts, D. & Pilkington, C. (2005-11-29). Britain in the European Union Today. {Stad}: History HarvardWatts, Duncan & Pilkington, Colin (2005-11-29). Britain in the European Union Today. {Stad}: History OxfordWatts, Duncan & Pilkington, Colin, Britain in the European Union Today, History, {Stad}, 2005-11-29 VancouverWatts D, Pilkington C. Britain in the European Union Today. {Stad}: History; 2005-11-29.

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26 |  | International Police Cooperation | Frederic Lemieux | 2013-01-11 | The globalization of threats and the complexity of internati... | ISBN-13:1134029543 |
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 APALemieux, F. (2013-01-11). International Police Cooperation. {Stad}: Social Science HarvardLemieux, Frederic (2013-01-11). International Police Cooperation. {Stad}: Social Science OxfordLemieux, Frederic, International Police Cooperation, Social Science, {Stad}, 2013-01-11 VancouverLemieux F. International Police Cooperation. {Stad}: Social Science; 2013-01-11.

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27 |  | Legitimating the European Union | J. Mather | 2006-10-10 | This is a study in EU legitimacy from the perspective of EU ... | ISBN-13:0230625622 |
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 APAMather, J. (2006-10-10). Legitimating the European Union. {Stad}: Political Science HarvardMather, J. (2006-10-10). Legitimating the European Union. {Stad}: Political Science OxfordMather, J., Legitimating the European Union, Political Science, {Stad}, 2006-10-10 VancouverMather J. Legitimating the European Union. {Stad}: Political Science; 2006-10-10.

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28 |  | Problems of Post-communism | | 2006 | | UCR:31210021602899 |
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 APA{Författare}. (2006). Problems of Post-communism. {Stad}: Communism Harvard{Författare}. (2006). Problems of Post-communism. {Stad}: Communism Oxford{Författare}. Problems of Post-communism, Communism, {Stad}, 2006 Vancouver{Författare}. Problems of Post-communism. {Stad}: Communism; 2006.

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29 |  | Mobile Telephones | Alvin C. Harper | 2008 | The mobile phone or mobile, also called a cellular phone, or... | ISBN-13:9781604564365 |
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 APAHarper, A.C. & Buress, R.V. (2008). Mobile Telephones. {Stad}: Technology & Engineering HarvardHarper, Alvin C. & Buress, Raymond V. (2008). Mobile Telephones. {Stad}: Technology & Engineering OxfordHarper, AlvinC. & Buress, RaymondV., Mobile Telephones, Technology & Engineering, {Stad}, 2008 VancouverHarper AC, Buress RV. Mobile Telephones. {Stad}: Technology & Engineering; 2008.

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30 |  | Politics in the European Union | Simon Bulmer | 2020 | This is an account of the main developments in the process o... | ISBN-13:0198820631 |
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 APABulmer, S., Parker, O., Bache, I., George, S. & Burns, C. (2020). Politics in the European Union. {Stad}: Political Science HarvardBulmer, Simon , Parker, Owen , Bache, Ian , George, Stephen & Burns, Charlotte (2020). Politics in the European Union. {Stad}: Political Science OxfordBulmer, Simon, Parker, Owen, Bache, Ian, George, Stephen & Burns, Charlotte, Politics in the European Union, Political Science, {Stad}, 2020 VancouverBulmer S, Parker O, Bache I, George S, Burns C. Politics in the European Union. {Stad}: Political Science; 2020.

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31 |  | Comparative Regional Integration | Finn Laursen | 2016-12-05 | This volume features up-to-date studies of regional integrat... | ISBN-13:1351950029 |
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 APALaursen, F. (2016-12-05). Comparative Regional Integration. {Stad}: Political Science HarvardLaursen, Finn (2016-12-05). Comparative Regional Integration. {Stad}: Political Science OxfordLaursen, Finn, Comparative Regional Integration, Political Science, {Stad}, 2016-12-05 VancouverLaursen F. Comparative Regional Integration. {Stad}: Political Science; 2016-12-05.

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32 |  | International Politics | Alasdair Blair | 2009-07-27 | This accessible, user-friendly and bang-up-to-dateintroducti... | ISBN-13:0748630309 |
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 APABlair, A. (2009-07-27). International Politics. {Stad}: Political Science HarvardBlair, Alasdair (2009-07-27). International Politics. {Stad}: Political Science OxfordBlair, Alasdair, International Politics, Political Science, {Stad}, 2009-07-27 VancouverBlair A. International Politics. {Stad}: Political Science; 2009-07-27.

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33 |  | Poland in Europe | | 2004 | | UCBK:C094399982 |
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 APA{Författare}. (2004). Poland in Europe. {Stad}: Europe Harvard{Författare}. (2004). Poland in Europe. {Stad}: Europe Oxford{Författare}. Poland in Europe, Europe, {Stad}, 2004 Vancouver{Författare}. Poland in Europe. {Stad}: Europe; 2004.

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34 |  | Designing the European Union | F. Laursen | 2012-12-15 | This book outlines the content of the main treaties that for... | ISBN-13:0230367577 |
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 APALaursen, F. (2012-12-15). Designing the European Union. {Stad}: Political Science HarvardLaursen, F. (2012-12-15). Designing the European Union. {Stad}: Political Science OxfordLaursen, F., Designing the European Union, Political Science, {Stad}, 2012-12-15 VancouverLaursen F. Designing the European Union. {Stad}: Political Science; 2012-12-15.

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35 |  | Personal Diplomacy in the EU | Roland Vogt | 2016-10-04 | At a time when the economic troubles and bailouts of Greece ... | ISBN-13:1317229606 |
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 APAVogt, R. (2016-10-04). Personal Diplomacy in the EU. {Stad}: Political Science HarvardVogt, Roland (2016-10-04). Personal Diplomacy in the EU. {Stad}: Political Science OxfordVogt, Roland, Personal Diplomacy in the EU, Political Science, {Stad}, 2016-10-04 VancouverVogt R. Personal Diplomacy in the EU. {Stad}: Political Science; 2016-10-04.

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36 |  | The European Union and the Member States | Eleanor E. Zeff | 2006 | Praise for the 1st Edition?This is a rich and timely volume ... | UOM:39015066797062 |
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 APAZeff, E.E. & Pirro, E.B. (2006). The European Union and the Member States. {Stad}: Law HarvardZeff, Eleanor E. & Pirro, Ellen B. (2006). The European Union and the Member States. {Stad}: Law OxfordZeff, EleanorE. & Pirro, EllenB., The European Union and the Member States, Law, {Stad}, 2006 VancouverZeff EE, Pirro EB. The European Union and the Member States. {Stad}: Law; 2006.

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37 |  | Gendering the European Union | G. Abels | 2012-01-06 | An exploration of European integration as seen through a gen... | ISBN-13:0230353290 |
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 APAAbels, G. & Mushaben, J. (2012-01-06). Gendering the European Union. {Stad}: Political Science HarvardAbels, G. & Mushaben, J. (2012-01-06). Gendering the European Union. {Stad}: Political Science OxfordAbels, G. & Mushaben, J., Gendering the European Union, Political Science, {Stad}, 2012-01-06 VancouverAbels G, Mushaben J. Gendering the European Union. {Stad}: Political Science; 2012-01-06.

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38 |  | The Common Fisheries Policy of the European Union | Craig McLean | 2008 | Contributes original material, taken from interview transcri... | UCSD:31822035352186 |
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 APAMcLean, C. (2008). The Common Fisheries Policy of the European Union. {Stad}: Law HarvardMcLean, Craig (2008). The Common Fisheries Policy of the European Union. {Stad}: Law OxfordMcLean, Craig, The Common Fisheries Policy of the European Union, Law, {Stad}, 2008 VancouverMcLean C. The Common Fisheries Policy of the European Union. {Stad}: Law; 2008.

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39 |  | Russia and Europe in the Twenty-First Century | Jackie Gower | 2009-02-01 | There has never been a more important time to understand Rus... | ISBN-13:0857286919 |
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 APAGower, J. & Timmins, G. (2009-02-01). Russia and Europe in the Twenty-First Century. {Stad}: Political Science HarvardGower, Jackie & Timmins, Graham (2009-02-01). Russia and Europe in the Twenty-First Century. {Stad}: Political Science OxfordGower, Jackie & Timmins, Graham, Russia and Europe in the Twenty-First Century, Political Science, {Stad}, 2009-02-01 VancouverGower J, Timmins G. Russia and Europe in the Twenty-First Century. {Stad}: Political Science; 2009-02-01.

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40 |  | The Oxford Handbook of Postwar European History | Dan Stone | 2012-05-17 | The postwar period is no longer current affairs but is becom... | ISBN-13:0191625280 |
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 APAStone, D. (2012-05-17). The Oxford Handbook of Postwar European History. {Stad}: History HarvardStone, Dan (2012-05-17). The Oxford Handbook of Postwar European History. {Stad}: History OxfordStone, Dan, The Oxford Handbook of Postwar European History, History, {Stad}, 2012-05-17 VancouverStone D. The Oxford Handbook of Postwar European History. {Stad}: History; 2012-05-17.

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