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1Regional Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Ap...Management Association, Information Resources2012-04-30From domestic to international settings, aid and assistance ...ISBN-13:1466608838
2Competition, Strategy, and Modern Enterprise Information Sys...Tavana, Madjid2012-11-30"This book provides extensive coverage on the organizational...ISBN-13:1466624655
3Sustainable Policy Applications for Social Ecology and Devel...Carayannis, Elias G.2012-05-31Social ecology is a philosophy rooted in deep-seated social ...ISBN-13:1466615877
4Knowledge Creation, Diffusion, and Use in Innovation Network...Elias G. Carayannis2006In the 21st century, intangible resources such as knowledge ...STANFORD:36105114548139
5The Use of Force in International RelationsHans Köchler2006ISBN-13:3900704236
6Smart Quintuple Helix Innovation SystemsElias G. Carayannis2018-11-21This volume examines the relationships among social ecology,...ISBN-13:3030015173
7Brussels Versus the BeltwayChristine Mahoney2008-03-25This book presents the first large-scale study of lobbying s...ISBN-13:1589012828
8Small States and EU GovernanceS. Bunse2009-03-26Small States and EU Governance shows that the EU's rotating ...ISBN-13:0230234348
9The EU and Counter-TerrorismJavier Argomaniz2011-05-23This book offers a theoretically informed analysis of how co...ISBN-13:1135169497
10International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Lite...2003STANFORD:36105121638089
11Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen wissenschaftlic...2003UOM:39015057989959
12The New Economic DiplomacyDr Stephen Woolcock2013-04-28This third, fully updated edition of The New Economic Diplom...ISBN-13:1409476480
13Out in PublicEllen Lewin2009-05-04Out in Public addresses, and engages us in, the new and exci...ISBN-13:1405191023
14Politics in the European UnionIan Bache2011-02-17This is an account of the main developments in the process o...ISBN-13:0199544816
15The European UnionElizabeth E. Bomberg2008The book also features exhibits comparing the EU with other ...ISBN-13:0199206392
16Transformation and European IntegrationB. Dallago2006-07-13The Balkan countries have been looking for good examples and...ISBN-13:0230377963
17Global Political EconomyJohn Ravenhill2017Global Political Economy offers a comprehensive introduction...ISBN-13:0198737467
18International Relations and the European UnionChristopher Hill2011-02-03This text explores the ways in which the European Union fram...ISBN-13:0199544808
19A History of the FTAAMarcel Nelson2015-02-19Providing a critical account of the collapse of the FTAA neg...ISBN-13:1137412755
20European UnionDuncan Watts2008-03-25The European Union is a distinctive creation. There have bee...ISBN-13:0748632255
21American Book Publishing Record2003UOM:39015066043145
22Understanding E.U. Policy MakingRaj S. Chari2006-08-20How are decisions made in the EU?UOM:39015067659592
23A History of Eastern EuropeRobert Bideleux2007-09-12This welcome second edition of A History of Eastern Europe p...ISBN-13:1134213190
24The Government and Politics of the European UnionNeill Nugent2006A clear and comprehensive explanation of the historical deve...ISBN-13:9780822338703
25Britain in the European Union TodayDuncan Watts2005-11-29This book offers an introduction to the European Union and a...ISBN-13:9780719071799
26International Police CooperationFrederic Lemieux2013-01-11The globalization of threats and the complexity of internati...ISBN-13:1134029543
27Legitimating the European UnionJ. Mather2006-10-10This is a study in EU legitimacy from the perspective of EU ...ISBN-13:0230625622
28Problems of Post-communism2006UCR:31210021602899
29Mobile TelephonesAlvin C. Harper2008The mobile phone or mobile, also called a cellular phone, or...ISBN-13:9781604564365
30Politics in the European UnionSimon Bulmer2020This is an account of the main developments in the process o...ISBN-13:0198820631
31Comparative Regional IntegrationFinn Laursen2016-12-05This volume features up-to-date studies of regional integrat...ISBN-13:1351950029
32International PoliticsAlasdair Blair2009-07-27This accessible, user-friendly and bang-up-to-dateintroducti...ISBN-13:0748630309
33Poland in Europe2004UCBK:C094399982
34Designing the European UnionF. Laursen2012-12-15This book outlines the content of the main treaties that for...ISBN-13:0230367577
35Personal Diplomacy in the EURoland Vogt2016-10-04At a time when the economic troubles and bailouts of Greece ...ISBN-13:1317229606
36The European Union and the Member StatesEleanor E. Zeff2006Praise for the 1st Edition?This is a rich and timely volume ...UOM:39015066797062
37Gendering the European UnionG. Abels2012-01-06An exploration of European integration as seen through a gen...ISBN-13:0230353290
38The Common Fisheries Policy of the European UnionCraig McLean2008Contributes original material, taken from interview transcri...UCSD:31822035352186
39Russia and Europe in the Twenty-First CenturyJackie Gower2009-02-01There has never been a more important time to understand Rus...ISBN-13:0857286919
40The Oxford Handbook of Postwar European HistoryDan Stone2012-05-17The postwar period is no longer current affairs but is becom...ISBN-13:0191625280

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