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1State of Implementation of the United Nations Convention Aga...United Nations2018-03-08This second edition of State of Implementation of the United...ISBN-13:9789211303483
2Modern Bribery LawJeremy Horder2013-04-25The Bribery Act 2010 is the most significant reform of UK br...ISBN-13:110735496X
3Corruption in AfghanistanEnrico Bisogno2010-05ISBN-13:1437927998
4Corruption and DevelopmentMark Robinson2012-11-12The problem of corruption is of central significance for the...ISBN-13:1136322191
5Gender and CorruptionHelena Stensöta2018-03-27The link between gender and corruption has been studied sinc...ISBN-13:3319709291
6Thieves of State: Why Corruption Threatens Global SecuritySarah Chayes2015-01-19Winner of the 2015 Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Current ...ISBN-13:0393246531
7The United Nations Convention Against CorruptionCecily Rose2020The United Nations Convention against Corruption includes 71...ISBN-13:9780191843655
8The United Nations Convention Against CorruptionCecily Rose2019-01-24The United Nations Convention against Corruption includes 71...ISBN-13:0192528300
9Crossing the Global Quality ChasmNational Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine2019-01-27In 2015, building on the advances of the Millennium Developm...ISBN-13:0309477891
10International Anti-corruption NormsCecily Rose2015With corruption at the forefront of the international politi...ISBN-13:0198737211
11Public Wrongs, Private ActionsJean-Pierre Brun2015Over the last decade, the topics of corruption and recovery ...ISBN-13:1464803706
12Corruption and GovernmentSusan Rose-Ackerman1999-06-28How high levels of corruption limit investment and growth ca...ISBN-13:9780521659123
13The Impact of Corruption on International Commercial Contrac...Michael Joachim Bonell2015-08-29This volume presents national reports describing the legal i...ISBN-13:3319190547
14Corruption: A Very Short IntroductionLeslie Holmes2015-04-23Corruption is one of the biggest global issues, ahead of ext...ISBN-13:0191003905
15Corruption and Anti-corruptionPeter Larmour2013-03-01Corruption and Anti-Corruption deals with the international ...ISBN-13:1922144770
16Corruption in International BusinessMs Sharon Eicher2012-08-28It is common practice to assume that business practices are ...ISBN-13:1409459926
17Resolving Foreign Bribery Cases with Non-Trial Resolutions S...OECD2019-03-10Non-trial resolutions, often referred to as settlements, hav...ISBN-13:9264677852
18Travaux Préparatoires of the Negotiations for the Elaborati...United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime2010ISBN-13:9789211336962
19The Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption ReviewMark F. MendelsohnISBN-13:9781804491324
20From Baksheesh to BriberyT. Markus Funk2019-04-05Worldwide, governmental anti-corruption efforts have been ra...ISBN-13:0190941987
21Global Governance and the Emergence of Global Institutions f...Augusto Lopez-Claros2020-01-23Identifies the major weaknesses in the current United Nation...ISBN-13:1108476961
22Uncitral Legislative Guide on Public-Private PartnershipsUnited Nations2020-12-28The Model Legislative Provisions and the Legislative Guide o...ISBN-13:9789211303995
23CULTURE OF CORRUPTION IN INDIASATISHCHANDER YADAV2014-05-03The word of corruption means the destruction, ruining or the...ISBN-13:1312132965
24Trump RevealedMichael Kranish2017"Who is Donald J. Trump? To discover Trump in full, the Wash...ISBN-13:1501156527
25A Guide to Whistleblowing in Ghana2010ISBN-13:9789988137694
26Corruption & Human RightsMartine Boersma2010This book offers the reader a broader view of the human righ...ISBN-13:9789400000858
27Global Corruption Report: EducationTransparency International2013-10-08Corruption and poor governance are acknowledged as major imp...ISBN-13:1136272135
28Pathways for PeaceUnited Nations2018-04-13Violent conflicts today are complex and increasinglyprotract...ISBN-13:1464811865
29The Universal Declaration of Human Rights1978OCLC:467193920
30International White Collar CrimeBruce Zagaris2015-08-10Contemporary transnational criminals take advantage of globa...ISBN-13:131636898X
31OECD Public Integrity HandbookOECD2020-05-20The OECD Public Integrity Handbook provides guidance to gove...ISBN-13:9264536175
32Corruption and NormsIna Kubbe2017-12-21This book focuses on the role of norms in the description, e...ISBN-13:3319662546
33Organized Crime and Corruption Across BordersT. Wing Lo2019-09-10This book explores China’s Belt and Road Initiative and th...ISBN-13:0429632231
34The Time Is NowUnited Nations2021-01-12Are women any less corrupt than men? Is there a relationship...ISBN-13:9789211483543
35Greed, Corruption, and the Modern StateSusan Rose-Ackerman2015-09-25What makes the control of corruption so difficult and contes...ISBN-13:1784714704
36The Cambridge Handbook of New Human RightsAndreas von Arnauld2020-01-02The book provides in-depth insight to scholars, practitioner...ISBN-13:1108751172
37Ownership of Proceeds of Corruption in International LawKolawole Olaniyan2023-11-21Recovery of proceeds deriving from corruption is now increas...ISBN-13:0192867830
38Bribery, Fraud, CheatingMarkus Pohlmann2020-01-03In the fight against organizational malpractice and organize...ISBN-13:3658290625
39Between Impunity and ImperialismKevin E. Davis2019-07-31When people pay bribes to foreign public officials, how shou...ISBN-13:019007082X
40Policing Global RegionsSaskia Maria Hufnagel2021-01-26This book provides a stocktake and comparative socio-legal a...ISBN-13:1000081311
1The ESG and Sustainability Deskbook for Business. [Elektroni...Noeth, Kristyn.ArrayThe ESG and Sustainability Deskbook for Business. [Elektroni...

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